Great-horned Owl Fun 2021


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I am back, and so is an owl. I had a buyer for an American Dominique pullet where buyer not more than 10 minutes out to pickup bird. Pullet was released to cleanup for transport by walking on grass and roosting outside pen. Was to be last sale of year. Owl got her. I knew bad happened by sounds and postures of bird in pens. Owl was parked in a Black Willow Tree about 50 yards away. I think GHO, but could not get a clear view. Kill sight had a lot more blood than usual. Dogs sleeping or interesting in puppy making so not up, but adult female dog now on job.

Pictures to follow. Game camera in movie clip mode deployed.
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I am back, and so is an owl. I had a buyer for an American Dominique pullet where buyer not more than 10 minutes out to pickup bird. Pullet was released to cleanup for transport by walking on grass and roosting outside pen. Was to be last sale of year. Owl got her. I knew bad happened by sounds and postures of bird in pens. Owl was parked in a Black Willow Tree about 50 yards away. I think GHO, but could not get a clear view. Kill sight had a lot more blood than usual. Dogs sleeping or interesting in puppy making so not up, but adult female dog now on job.

Pictures to follow. Game camera in movie clip mode deployed.
I am glad you're back and I am so sorry for the owl.
Poor thing 😭 owls are the worst. If I see one I would be packing up and moving states lol
I have two short eared owls on my property all year and snowy owls during the winter. Nothing compares to a fly over of a snowy owl right over your head (~4 feet) from behind you and you never heard it coming. They're massive and silent. It is mystifying.
Typically the owl eats more feathers than it plucks. Owl seems to have had trouble subduing pullet. Normally GHO kills at location of first contact. Wire roll was to protect blueberry bushes. Struggle appears to have gone over several feet.


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