Great Horned Owl???????!

I also want them around because we have a few rats and groundhogs that might be frightened off by the presence of such a big monster as a GH Owl... I have a lovely old corncrib/grainery that we converted into the goat pen. it has a doggie door on the side to go out into the penned yard area. The ducks go in before the sun goes down, so unless the ols start hunting in daylight I guess the ducks are safe???
I love owls, they are so majestic like the eagles, but doesn't make losing a hen any easier. . . someone here strung fishing line across the top of their cage, zig zag'd it the way it sounded, and said it worked great. Are Castor Beans toxic? They make a great fast growing shade line too, and big leaves . . .but no one can eat them, so bet it wouldn't work . . . I think the fishing line is a great, cheap fix. . .

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