|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Can I join?

Character name: Nemesis (Invidia) What are you: Minor Goddess
Personality: Fair but vengeful (goddess of revenge so, yeah). Will ALWAYS give someone what they deserve, even if it's something terrible. Hates unearned "good luck". She can make things really hard for people who seem to get a ton of good things they don't deserve. Keeps Tyche in check. Hates over-the-top-nice fortune cookies. Symbol is a wheel with a chunk taken out.
god or goddess parent: Um...maybe Nyx & Erebos? (Not too sure about this.)
Gender: Female
Picture: (optional)-if no picture, please give a description: (Sorry, this one isn't very good)
(Yay I'm here to!)
Quote: "Ok, see ya." Finn waved her hand as Dylan left. "Hey Piper, what's up?" Asked Finn "Nothing much, but I saw something in a book with some blueprint in it." Piper's voice drifted off. Finn thought in her head that it was her new plan, and she quickly answered right back. "Oh! Um, yea let's go see it! I'll see if I know what it is." Finn tried to sound as calm as possible. "Okay, follow me."

Can I join?

Character name: Nemesis (Invidia)
What are you: Minor Goddess
Personality: Fair but vengeful (goddess of revenge so, yeah). Will ALWAYS give someone what they deserve, even if it's something terrible. Hates unearned "good luck". She can make things really hard for people who seem to get a ton of good things they don't deserve. Keeps Tyche in check. Hates over-the-top-nice fortune cookies. Symbol is a wheel with a chunk taken out.
god or goddess parent: Um...maybe Nyx & Erebos? (Not too sure about this.)
Gender: Female
Picture: (optional)-if no picture, please give a description: (Sorry, this one isn't very good)
Added and accepted!! :)
As Finn had feared, the blueprint in the book she had lent Piper was indeed her new plan. "Sooo, what is this?" Piper asked innocently. "Um, it's uh well--" Finn was trying to find the right words. "Something secret?" Piper finished Finn's sentence. "Yea. Since you've seen the blueprints--" "I have no idea what they mean" said Piper " "Since you've seen the blueprints, I'll tell you what they mean." "Alright. Shoot." "I'm plotting out a weapon, it's a coin, you flip it into the air, and if it turns on heads or tails, that is your weapon." Finn thought it was a great masterpiece, she was thrilled with it. "Alriiiight, so if it lands on heads, you get a head for a weapon?" "No!!! No not at all! Say a sword is on heads, and a shield is on tails. If the coin lands on heads, you get a sword to fight with." "OOhhh!!! So, instead of heads or tails, it's swords or shields. Cool!" Piper was amazed Finn could think up something that complicated. "Yea, only problem is, I kinda want a Hephaestus person to make it, and do it right."

Side note~ the coin thing is in the book The Lost Hero. It's another one of Rick Riordon's books. :)
(LOL, I guess you'd have to read the second series to get the fortune cookie thing in my form too...)

Nemesis grumbled to herself, sitting down on a bench. Hopefully she would get noticed more after the big war with the titans. After all, wasn't Olympus suppose to pay attention to her now? Not that she felt like she needed it...but it would be nice for everything to be even.
Character name: Silvia Turov
What are you (ex.-- demigod, satyr, nymph, god(ess), Hunter, cyclops): demigod
Personality: She is clam and quiet most of the time and rarely looses her temper. She hesitates to take action immediately even in urgent situations. She isn't very good at sword-fighting.
god or goddess parent: Demeter
Gender: Female
Picture: (optional) None. Description: She has short, dark brown hair and greenish blue eyes. One of her arm's has a white scar from when she tripped and fell on a metal rake. (Not very epic.)

1. Were you fighting in the war against Kronos? No, she wasn't found at the time. She's pretty glad about that since she would have totally freaked out.

2. Were you already at Camp Half-Blood, or are/were you found by a satyr? She was found by a satyr a few weeks after the war.

3. Short background story, please? After her mother left her father she got a step-mother who was pretty nice to her. She was happy to live with them until weird things started to happen when she was eleven. She thought she was crazy until she found out she was a demigod at the age of thirteen.
Name: Acacia O'Connell


Demigod, daughter of Poseidon.

She has not been found yet, but knows she is a demigod. She was abandoned by her mother and grew up on the streets. (Side effects include: She finds it difficult to lower her guard and make any attachments.)

She is tall and very skinny but strong with dull red hair in a short, spiky haircut. Her left eye is green and her right eye is blue.
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Acacia started. It had found her. She slowly backed away from the enormous monster. Thanks to her Greek mythology book she had found when looking through a donation bin for clothes, she knew it was a chimera, which, apparently, could be killed if you had a pegasus. How very convenient. The chimera rose, it's lion head snarling, its goat head bleating (which, by the way, is quite terrifying on a chimera, not on a normal goat, perhaps, but these circumstances change everything) and, why not, its serpent tail lashed aggressively. Acacia considered her fight or flight instincts and quickly went with flight.

She ran for her life, the chimera in close pursuit. She ran without any idea where she was going, finding herself at the base of a large hill. As she approached the top of the hill, the chimera caught up with her and raked its claws across her right side. She screamed and drew a knife, scratching the monster on the nose. A horn blew. Acacia tumbled past a gigantic pine tree. Before she blacked out, she saw armor-clad figures approaching. I'm hallucinating, she thought. Then consciousness retreated.

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