|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Acacia started. It had found her. She slowly backed away from the enormous monster. Thanks to her Greek mythology book she had found when looking through a donation bin for clothes, she knew it was a chimera, which, apparently, could be killed if you had a pegasus. How very convenient. The chimera rose, it's lion head snarling, its goat head bleating (which, by the way, is quite terrifying on a chimera, not on a normal goat, perhaps, but these circumstances change everything) and, why not, its serpent tail lashed aggressively. Acacia considered her fight or flight instincts and quickly went with flight.

She ran for her life, the chimera in close pursuit. She ran without any idea where she was going, finding herself at the base of a large hill. As she approached the top of the hill, the chimera caught up with her and raked its claws across her right side. She screamed and drew a knife, scratching the monster on the nose. A horn blew. Acacia tumbled past a gigantic pine tree. Before she blacked out, she saw armor-clad figures approaching. I'm hallucinating, she thought. Then consciousness retreated.

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Acacia awoke in a hospital bed. She was not fond of hospitals, for reasons involving an empousa in a nurse's uniform. On a table next to her were her knife, mythology book and backpack. Apparently, this was a children's hospital, since the oldest people she saw were in their teens.

There was gauze wrapped around her waist and she could feel ointment beneath it. That would do. With a start like that in the healing of her wound, she could make a break for it. So she did. Acacia grabbed her things and ran. Instantly, things started to go wrong. A goat-legged kid ran after her, sounding the alarm and calling her back. When she got out of the building, she found herself in a summer camp. As she ran, a tall boy with dirty-blond hair saw her, took in the scene, and ran after her.

(Hey, chickencrazy429, the boy is Dylan. I was thinking nice brother-sister fight where she gets claimed. Also, I would love to get in on that quest if possible. I just got here and I need to get out of the camp already!
Thanks for starting this thread, by the way. The more Greek mythology the better!)
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Acacia awoke in a hospital bed. She was not fond of hospitals, for reasons involving an empousa in a nurse's uniform. On a table next to her were her knife, mythology book and backpack. Apparently, this was a children's hospital, since the oldest people she saw were in their teens.

There was gauze wrapped around her waist and she could feel ointment beneath it. That would do. With a start like that in the healing of her wound, she could make a break for it. So she did. Acacia grabbed her things and ran. Instantly, things started to go wrong. A goat-legged kid ran after her, sounding the alarm and calling her back. When she got out of the building, she found herself in a summer camp. As she ran, a tall boy with dirty-blond hair saw her, took in the scene, and ran after her.

(Hey, chickencrazy429, the boy is Dylan. I was thinking nice brother-sister fight where she gets claimed. Also, I would love to get in on that quest if possible. I just got here and I need to get out of the camp already!
Thanks for starting this thread, by the way. The more Greek mythology the better!)

(Don't powerplay my characters or anyone elses for that matter)
Hey. If someone doesn't like it, I can edit my post. I was just trying to get the game moving. Now do you have anything positive to say? Or are you just going to gripe about my actions. You don't really seem to be doing much of this anyway.

Oh, and "Cookies!" isn't a location.


P.S. I don't want to make this the argument thread, so let's all get along from now on please.
Hey. If someone doesn't like it, I can edit my post. I was just trying to get the game moving. Now do you have anything positive to say? Or are you just going to gripe about my actions. You don't really seem to be doing much of this anyway.

Oh, and "Cookies!" isn't a location.


P.S. I don't want to make this the argument thread, so let's all get along from now on please.

(... I have a feeling me and you are not going to get along, if all you are going to do is insult me why bother wasting your precious energy 'trying' to get along)

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