|~~Greek Mythology RP~~| NEEDS CHARACTERS!

Is it too late??? D: don't die, thread!!!

Serenity ran out of the mess hall, her hair streaking behind her. She stopped when she reached the edge of the woods, and called down her doves telepathically. She smiled as they whirled around her in a tornado of feathers and the soft cooings of doves.
Is it too late??? D: don't die, thread!!!

Serenity ran out of the mess hall, her hair streaking behind her. She stopped when she reached the edge of the woods, and called down her doves telepathically. She smiled as they whirled around her in a tornado of feathers and the soft cooings of doves.

This is a totally dead thread...
"don't shoot!" the handsome satyr exclaimed, poppi g out of the bushes. "and do not call me a goat!" he protested indignantly, stomping one fur competed, brick red leg, his curly auburn head shacking.
Sam looked around for Lexi.
"don't shoot!" the handsome satyr exclaimed, poppi g out of the bushes. "and do not call me a goat!" he protested indignantly, stomping one fur competed, brick red leg, his curly auburn head shacking.
Sam looked around for Lexi.
Faith held back her bow and arrow... "Whoa," she paused, scanning the satyr, "I thought were you something else..." she said trailing off... Instead of staying down to earth, she had a mini blackout-- remembering back when Thalia and Luke were here, Thalia told of a sacred goat she and Luke had followed... Since the goat was Zeus' sacred animal, she knew that it must be Amalthea-- the name of THE goat. Ever since then Faith had kept her eyes peeled for that special goat, but now she was almost having hallucinations about it.

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