Green eggs...Ameraucanas...auarcanas....EE's....whatever...questions

Hey geareduplyn I want the you still have them?
I would love to see your pictures of Olive eggs. Does anyone have pictures of eggs with a Marans crossed with an Ameracauna? I have some in the bator, but want to see what they might lay! It is my winter eggsperiment!
Does anyone have any? Also, once I hatch some of these, what kind of rooster do I use with them? Any suggestions? Another Olive egger or an Ameracauna or a Marans? What do you think? Thanks for the help!
I am starting the same project and was wondering the same question mothergoose.What roo do I breed to the offspring.I was thinking probably use another maran to darken the eggs even more.Any help would be appreciated.
I only have 7 chickens, all of which are sex-linked Reds but one of them lays the most beautiful blue eggs i've ever seen. Has anyone ever heard of that?
Your red has an ancestor with the blue egg gene.

Here are eggs laid by a BR over Blue Ameraucana, who is owned by my friend in CA (came from my flock) Her half sister that I own lays a green egg, but a different lighter shade.

What type of cross would result in a pink egg layer. My daughter really wants a hen that lays a pink egg. Finding a hen for sale that lays pink eggs is proving very difficult. I have some dominque hens and some what I think are RIR's. Could I get a EE rooster and cross them to get a pink egg layer?
Pinkish egg layers that I know of are the Salmon Favs and Orpingtons. I believe you might also get some pinks from using a darker layer with a white or light brown layer. I believe I read somewhere someone crossed a Copper Black Marans with a RIR and got some nice pinkish eggs.
One of the two hens I adopted lays a really pale brown color egg. I say they are RIR's because I am not sure what they are and they have redish-orange feathers, except one has black specks on some of the feathers especially around the breast and head. Would a cross with that hen have any chance of laying pink eggs?

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