Green garlic!


9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
This is a nice thing to grow. I planted these in the fall and we ate some through winter and then they really kick off when the days get longer this time of year. It's nice to have just a touch of something fresh and homegrown when there is nothing else. Obviously we don't have the kind of cold here in Georgia that ya'll get other places but these shrugged off several nightime lows in the lower teens. They are in a container on our deck.

I'm making soft tacos (venison) and rice for supper. Half will go in the taco meat and half in the rice. Now that I think of it, I may go pull another one to put on the tacos, minced up and raw.

It looks like what we call leeks here on the west coast. It is wonderful to be able to harvest something from your own garden, and be able to eat it right away. I have some broccoli that is in the greenhouse that I soon hope to eat.
Nope, not leeks, just common grocery store garlic cloves that I planted. They would eventually make a normal head of garlic by next fall. The flavor is milder than a mature garlic but it is still right garlicky.

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