Green spot or bump on bill???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 17, 2012
I got 6 baby peking ducks. They are 3 weeks old now, I notice one of them has a green bump, it like it swollen. It also looks like it bruised? My dad says it normal, and I don't think it is. the baby duck seems to be fine overall. It looks like it could be tumor?
she/he didn't react anything, just like it not bothering her/him. she/he can eat just fine. It right below the nose holes.
I cannot diagnose it, but my feeling is it would be best to get the duck looked at by a vet. In the meantime, I would place a warm Epsom salts compress on the outside of the bill for a few minutes twice a day.

Because Epsom salts is a laxative, I must emphasize outside the bill, don't let the duckling eat or drink any of it. E.s. draws toxins out, and I am wondering because of the swelling if there's an infection in there.

It may be a hematoma (bruise). And guess what's a good treatment for that? Epsom salts compress.

Epsom salts compress: you need a very clean washcloth or rag or some paper towels, a small nonbreakable bowl, Epsom salts and warm water.

Put 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts in the bowl. Add water, about a quarter to a third of a cup. I just add enough to dissolve most of the salts. Swish the cloth in the water, wring it out lightly till it doesn't drip. You may want to have someone else hold the duckling. Rest the cloth on top of the bill, lightly. It could get comical. Just be patient and try to hold the compress on top of the bill for a few minutes.

Then you are done till next time.

Remember - Epsom salts is a powerful laxative and you do not want your duckling to get diarrhea or become dehydrated.

If anyone can think of something safe to put on the roof of the duckling's bill on the inside, I would love to learn about it.
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I will try it out, and i'll let you know how's the duck's bill does :)
Thank you for helping

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