Greenish feathers??? Now I am really confused


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 18, 2011
One of my chickens... a black sexlink is starting to get a pretty greenish tinge to her feathers. I thought sexlink meant that you can tell sex by the color. And I guess I thought that green feathers meant roo??? Ugh I keep getting roos.
I am so confused.
You are right, at hatch you can tell the gender by color or markings in sex-links. The black on many breeds is iridescent in the sun, both males and females. Is it that kind of green? My neighbor has two black sex link hens. As chicks, they were all black. The male chicks of the cross would have had a white dot on their heads, these did not. Now as mature hens, they have pretty iridescent greenish black feathers with some areas of red on their chests.

Could you try posting a few pictures?
This is her a few weeks ago but you cant see the green. I will try to get a pic in the "sun"

Most black chickens will shine green/purple in the sun. When folks say that means a roo, they're mostly talking about a bird with a different body color who has shimmery tail feathers. That mean a roo. You have a nice black sex-link pullet.

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