Greeting from Winston Salem


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
Winston Salem, NC
Hello all,

I am so thrilled to be a part of this wonderful movement of responsible backyard chicken cultivating. After much prodding my husband and 6 and 8 year old sons took up the task of building my chicken tractor. Their team building project took form and upon its completion, which was one of the most spectacular birthday presents I have ever received, I ordered 5 chicks from Ideal that were delivered shortly after Thanksgiving. Upon picking them up from our local Feed & Seed store we haven't looked back. We have 2 Australorps, Taylor and Swift, 2 Ameraucanas, Iris and Boss, and a Barred Rock, Pearla, named by our boys and their best girls Anna and Emma. It has been an interesting 5 months full of anticipation and wonder. Getting to know our girls has been most interesting, and finally after anticipation equal to Christmas morning, our first egg was delivered just this past Sunday! My youngest son discovered it after hovering over his girl all day. There are many things in your children's lives that make you proud, but I realized Sunday that seeing your child proud of their efforts is completely overwhelming. So here we are ready to spread the word about the fantastic undertaking of backyard chicken farming.

Thank you all for your knowledge and willingness to share.

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