Greetings from south CA

@Rachelherk - A big welcome to you! We're so happy to have you! :welcome

First off, did you know BYC has sister websites that may be really helpful? As you convert to a little homestead, these may be beneficial places to join too:
  • BackYard Herds - There's so much great info here about raising horses, cows, pigs, bees, rabbits, and more. If you expand into raising your own meat animals, these folks know their stuff!
  • The Easy Garden - Looking to get into raising your own crops, whether to feed yourself or your critters? There's some great info here. Alot of seed swapping and also great info on flowers and trees too.
  • Sufficient Self - Just as the name states, this is BYC's sister site for self sufficiency and DIY projects!
We are so happy to have you and learn with you as you expand your homestead, and continue raising chickens. What are some of your goals moving forward?


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