Greetings from the cold Rockies!


7 Years
Dec 6, 2012
Hello All~

I have been a member for a few months, but didn't realize I could do a new member introduction. I live at 9,000 ft. elevation in northern Colorado, and am in the midst of my first winter as a flockster. I have two Rhode Island Reds and two Americanas. We live off the grid, and predictably have been encountering challenges with heating our coop, but amazingly we are still getting about one egg a day (only from our RIR's for now)! We just got through a brutal cold spell too! Our coop is very insulated, but rarely heated, but our girls seem to do OK. Today they got outside for the first time in a while. Any cold weather flocksters who want to dole out advise, I'll happily be on the receiving end. Thanks!
Welcome to BYC!!

Glad you joined us!!!
Greetings from Kansas, MTNFlockster, and
! Great to have you with us. I don't heat my coop either - chickens are pretty resilient. Mine just starting up their laying numbers again after a rough molt and the short days of December! Good luck to you!
Welcome to BYC. Provide a clean, dry, well ventilated yet non drafty coop, supply adequate feed and water and your birds will be fine regardless of how cold it gets. They have their own amazing insulation.
I'm in northern wy. We got 5 degree mornings and 6 inch.My girls breezed through that cold just fine. No heat ,4 hens, 2-3 eggs a day(some frozen) they are pretty tough if they can get out of the wind.

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