Greetings from Tijeras, New Mexico

Greetings from California and
always a pleasure

To bad this thread isnt more active

ill play

1. new as of 2012
2. 80 plus chickens lol.
3. 40 Ameraucana Blue wheaten , wheaten, black , blue , lavender. 12 cream legbars. 2 roos 5 hens and 5 babies, with 22 set to hatch today. I have some RIW hens RIR rooster. A quad of barred cochin. some EE and the new chicks as of this week. white crested polish and some crevecoeurs . I also have some silkies and Blue laced red wayandotte. and im raising my F1 lavender cochin project.
4. lucky search also. although most searches come up with a byc link
5 and 6. I also spend most of my day surrounded by cibola national forest listening to the birds flying around and the wind blowing. I used to have allot of hobbies but now its mostly chickens. I also raise Nigerian goats and i have one bee hive. As of right now im just building my homestead and a second homestead for my parents on their land. Nothing but hard work for me working towards a dream.
The qs that the person on the 1st post answered, wasn't a game... Those are the questions they suggest you answer in your introduction..
The OP has not posted in over a year.
Yeah thats why i said to bad this thread isnt active. Im from tijeras but it seems only people out of state want to reply. Who knows why but maybe thats why op doesnt reply. Lots of people from out of state replying so im moving on. Have fun
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