Grey Jungle Fowl - Proven Hen and two Chicks


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 25, 2010
Grey Jungle Fowl hen and two chicks. The hen is three years old and has been a prolific layer. The chicks are 8 weeks old and they are a group. This is the last of my flock. I need room for a workshop and so my chicken ranching days are over. These have been some beautiful birds, if you have jungle fowl you know the high spirit that they have and how nice looking they are. If you are new to them it is quit an adventure. Pictures of my birds can be seen on my page here, or at least the hen is there. If you would like I can send picture of the chicks as well. I'll post pictures tomorrow evening.

I charge actual cost of shipping and $10.00 for the box (my actual cost after having them shipped to me). I charge $75 for shipping upfront and then settle any difference when the birds are shipped. So the total would be $265, and then depending on the shipping cost a little more or a little returned. Also I have birds going out the first week in November so that is when I would like ship these as well. Thanks for looking.


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