grit for babies?


11 Years
Jun 30, 2008
I am only on my second batch of babies, the first I used a starter feed, this time the bag I got was purina start and grow medicated feed. these babies have liquid almost for stool and the stench is UNREAL! I know crap stinks, but this is very obviously a different rank smell and watery stools. Then it occurred to me that I am not using grit with the babies only the bigger ones....should I be?

Thanks for your thoughts.....these little ones are inside and the smell is unbearable even with a full brooder cleaning every single day!
If they are eating starter feed and nothing else then no, you don't need to give them grit.
When changing feed did you mix the old feed and new feed together or just make a complete switch all at once?
this batch of chicks had only ever had this starter feed. the older batch of chicks had the different brand.

Is it normal for them to be so runny?? YUCK!
Studies show that free choice of grit for chicks makes for healthier adult chickens. Regardless of whether they ate only commercial feed or not.

Having said that, I doubt your problem is lack of grit. Were these chicks shipped? It might just be stress. Does the feed smell ok? If you are up to tasting some, go for it. Does it have an expiration date?

Keep their vents clear of crusty droppings. Maybe feed them some rolled oats, yogurt, and grit. You can also hard boil eggs and mash up the yolks and feed it to them.

I'd post about this under the first aid index topic.
In the past I have always used the Dumore (sp) brand feed from Tractor Supply because it was the only feed that I could find that didn't have meds in it.

There have been times when Tractor Supply would run out of that brand and I have had to use a medicated feed for a short time because it was all I could get and the babies would always get the runny...stinky poo.

The people at the feed store would tell me that it was because I changed the brand of feed but I always assumed that the medication was what made them get the runs. If it were changing the brand that gave them the runs you would think they would adjust to it in a few days and go back to normal...but they didn't. Tractor Supply would get their shipment in... I would go buy their usual feed and everything would go back to normal.

I may be full of beans but I think it's the medication in the feed that gives them the runs.
I think I might agree, but being that I know nothing, don't they have to have the medicated for some reason in the beginning? What is the point of it? I honestly don't know.
The medicated feed is to prevent coccidosis. Millions of chicks are fed medicated feed with no side effects. From what I can tell, if you have no adult chickens around and keep things clean, you don't need the medicated feed.

I think you just have stressed chicks and/or a bad bag of feed. It would not surprise me to learn that a feed store would order lots of chick feed in the Spring (when most people start chicks). It could be the bags they have are left over and have spoiled.
Check out "the poop" post. It talks about this very thing you speak of. Good luck

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