Gritty must of skipped Jr. High Health Class!

A fly swatter, now that's really funny.

And absollutely ineffective.
you have not seen MY flyswatter sour.......FEAR the flyswatter!!!

I call your puny fly swatter and raise you a people squasher

welcome to the club gryeyes! I can account for a high number of posts and I don't even know what's going on either!!!

(whispering) actually, this is a very sly tactical manuever....I told gritty I would have her back when Imp launched his attack so I have been diverting the attention away from her and onto myself so they would not pick on her too bad.
Wow, I'm sure late for the party!
But at least I'm here.
Gritty, if you need a refresher course on the male-female differences, our cow is due today and you're welcome to come and watch. *Pats Gritty on the head condescendingly*
you have not seen MY flyswatter sour.......FEAR the flyswatter!!!

I call your puny fly swatter and raise you a people squasher

Imp.......oh Imp............I am laughing so hard right now - you are just too much and too funny!! I love the graphics you always find and inject into your posts!! Since I have dial up and it is slow as bat guano, you will just have to use your vivid imagination for this one:

a massive set of butt cheeks falling from the sky at warp speed
then splat.......squished Imp............

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