GROUND SQUIRRELS???? warning to all BYC'ers

Get a five gallon bucket and fill it half full of water then sprinkle enough sunflower seeds on the top to cover all of the water. Place a plank up to the top of the bucket and when a ground squirrel goes up the plank he will see and smell all of those seeds and jump in. He will not be able to reach the bottom and jump out so he will drown and sink to the bottom and the next squirrel will come along and do the same thing.
CAT... get a cat... was surprised no ones said that!
I had no idea that a chipmunk was capable of this.. wow... I know the reg squirls fromt he trees are a nuisance. to the garden but wow chickmunks...
thanks for the warning. I guess ill have my son be on the look out for them.. he is a top shot and a cute as they are I will not allow the many more.
thanks for the heads up
blessed be
)O( Pink
My neighbor's cat kills them around here. I'd rather have the chimpmunks than the cat though. If I could bring myself to kill things, that cat would disappear!
At this link from carrlr, the ground squirrels, at least around here, are the 3rd picture in the first row, called the 13 lined (or striped) ground squirrel.
We have tons of them around here. Cute, but very destructive with their digging. Haven't had any problems with them bothering our chickens over the years, they just go after the scratch grain. And are always under the bird feeders in the yard. I can't say I've ever seen them eat anything but seeds before. I've left cat food out a couple of times, and they've never touched it. Hmmmm....... Interesting. Scary, but interesting. I must pay closer attention. Thank you for posting the info.
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