Growing Embryo Without Shell Experiment


5 Years
Dec 10, 2014
I have recently begun an experiment with a goal to observe every stage of embryonic development of a chicken embryo. I will update this post, with another goal being to inform the community about this amazing experiment whom everyone can learn something from. I will now state my procedure followed by a picture of the embryo today(Day 3)
Step One- I take cling wrap and put it in a cup to use as a hammock for the egg yolk. I make 4 egg cups.
Step Two- I crack each of the four eggs in each egg cup.
Step Three- I take cling wrap and cover the top, followed by using a pin to poke several holes in the top.
Step Four- The egg cups are placed in the incubator and I wait

12 hours after initial incubation, the blastoderm of three triple in size. The fourth egg is removed.
24 hours after initial incubation, two of the three remaining eggs die. The third now just consists of a very large blastoderm, no promising sign of life.
48 hours after initial incubation, the blastoderm is taking up the surface area of almost all the yolk.
60 hours after initial incubation, the heart starts to beat, and faint blood vessels appear.
72 hours after the initial incubation, I still have a strong heart beat and more blood vessels. The embryo is starting to take form.
Attached is a picture of the embryo a few minutes ago
The eye spot is huge. Embryo has begun to move head. Embryo now developing wings. Blood vessels have spread across the yolk. I have put 3 pieces of disinfected shell onto blood vessels hoping to lessen the risk of death by calcium deficiency.
I wouldn't hold my breath for an update. The original video was obviously a fake, and this is doomed to failure. The plastic wrap is not gas permeable enough to allow for even O2 levels and the aseptic environment inside the shell is compromised when cracked into the plastic. It never worked and won't in this case either.

Not everything you read on the internet is true.

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