Growing fodder for chickens

What are some grains that sprout well in high heat, I live in the desert southwest and we don't have forage at all but we do have high heat almost all year lol
Corn is one that sprouts well in higher heat, sorghum also but double check on sorghum as fodder something in the back of my head says it was not edible for fodder at certain stages, but not sure if I am remembering that right.
Those that are adding boss to your fodder, are you having problems w/ mold? I don't grow fodder but do sprout and every time I have added boss to my sprout bags I get mold.
My sprout bags smell funky too. I'm finding some things sprout better than others that way. I've got broccoli seeds in one that have just sprouted like crazy! I've got some other things that aren't doing anything but getting musty. :(
Can chickens eat chia? Has anyone tried to sprout it?

I looked that up once and if I remember correctly, they can and love it. Apparently it sprouts really well, that's why they sell "Chia Heads"

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