Growing fodder for chickens

Maybe you have a land line or a neighbor who would let you use their phone long enough to call your phone? That way you could find it... unless the battery has died.
it has been lost since last thursday, the battery only had 30% left on it when i lost it. it had died within and hourish of being lost. my husband, neighbor and i all retraced my steps. actually we retraced them today as well. its a multiple times a day thing, even though it wont matter now because it has rained and rained ever since. i am in oklahoma and it has been nothing but rain. i will hopefully have a phone by the end of the week though provided the ins on it doesnt take forever. :)
I've decided I may have to change my fodder system for the summer months. All of my current batches of fodder have gone bad. I've seen several members who use white plastic "baskets" and seem to have better luck growing fodder in the hotter months. Has anyone else run into problems since the weather has gotten warmer?

~ Aspen
I've had problem with raccoons getting mine. If I put it in my shed, which has a little bit of light that comes threw, would it still grow? The amount of light is very little, like just enough to be able to see in there
I've had problem with raccoons getting mine. If I put it in my shed, which has a little bit of light that comes threw, would it still grow? The amount of light is very little, like just enough to be able to see in there

It might grow a bit slower, but I've heard some say that if it's light enough for you to see, it's light enough for the fodder to grow. I'd give it a whirl.

~ Aspen
The earlier stages of fodder don't really need light. If you find that it hasn't greened up as much as you want on the last day before you feed it, you could maybe set it outside for the afternoon. a few hours of sunlight would green it right up.
Hi! Sorry, I'm still trying to figure this out...what else besides barley can be used to grow fodder? Why is barley the most popular? Thanks!
I think Barely has the highest nutritional value, wheat can be grown for fodder, as well as sun flower seeds or just about anything that will sprout, I did sunflowers and gave it to my neighbors chickens and they went wild over the BOSS fodder
Hi! Sorry, I'm still trying to figure this out...what else besides barley can be used to grow fodder? Why is barley the most popular? Thanks!
Barley is used because of the nutritional value for cattle/horses,etc. The big fodder systems use barley. Personally, I like using wheat. It is less likely to mold and the nutrition is better suited to birds than barley.
I use the same mix that I've sprouted for my parrots for years, wheat, barley, buckwheat, and lentils. I think nutritional variety is good in any feed. I've done BOSS too, but it took FOREVER to grow.

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