Growing fodder for chickens

Have you seen the poultry pack on there? I think the poltry pack and fodder would be enough for a small flock!
I wonder if Seed Savers Exchange or Baker Creek might have something….

Oh, and Wood Prairie Farm may still be selling hull-less oats. Those were easy to grow and harvest. I just cut them down with a scythe (oh, what a beautiful tool!), gathered them, and tossed the whole stem with seeds into the duck pen. They ate the oats and the rest was oat straw bedding. They did some of the work.
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Quote: I was hoping to see someone else who hadn't had a problem with metal containers. I saved metal popcorn containers like they sell at Christmas time and kept birdseed in them. Never had molding problems. Moths, yes; especially with hulled sunflower seeds. I have a couple of larger storage containers that a friend of my dad had made from galvanized sheet metal. We kept my pony's oats and alfalfa pellets in them. Never had a problem. I inherited the containers and they are a mess and need to be cleaned up. When I get that done, I plan to keep my chicken's feed and seed in them. One container should be able to store fifty pounds, but I doubt I'd ever buy that quantity since I have only six hens. Right now I use plastic containers that I keep in the house. If they ever attract rodents, I will switch to metal cans. When I buy large bags of dog food, etc... I keep it in my cold garage. I have less trouble with mice in there than I do in our shop.
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ARG. Just lost the whole long post because I included a link. Frustrating!

*takes a breath* Ok, again.

We are new to fodder growing - just started 2 days ago. We soaked Black Oil Sunflower Seeds for a bit over a day, then rinsed and divided into containers with little holes in the bottom (the bottom half of a bunch of gal water jugs, actually). We have 12 of those, stacked 2 high (bin to collect water - mesh shelf - 6 containers - mesh shelf - 6 containers). We are watering them 4x daily. They are in our extra room, by the glass door which gets a lot of morning sun, next to our chick pen (where we keep the chicks too small to go outside yet). Our current question is - will the seeds dry out too much between watering? We flood them 4x daily but it drains in 2-3 minutes, and then, of course, starts drying out until the next watering. How dry is too dry? Is 'feels moist' ok? Are they fine so long as they don't feel like hard dry seeds? I was considering putting paper towels on top of the seeds, but I'd worry about bacteria or mold growing in the paper towels.

We are following the directions of a certain website (which I apparently cannot link). But I will add the photo they show of their setup.

This is NOT our setup, but it's what we are working towards. As you see, there's no plastic sheeting or greenhouse-like lids on the seeds.

Another question. For those of you who do use the timer-pump method of watering... where in the world do you get a timer that will water 4x a day for 5-10min each time? My digital timer only allows 2 'timers' (so 2x a day) to be set, and my non-digital will allow as many as I press in but it's limited to 30-min blocks. Is 30min too long to flush water through the bins, at any stage of growth?

Bumping because I didn't see anyone reply to this, and this is a QUICK moving thread! I am still concerned about my seeds drying out.
ARG. Just lost the whole long post because I included a link. Frustrating!

*takes a breath* Ok, again.

We are new to fodder growing - just started 2 days ago. We soaked Black Oil Sunflower Seeds for a bit over a day, then rinsed and divided into containers with little holes in the bottom (the bottom half of a bunch of gal water jugs, actually). We have 12 of those, stacked 2 high (bin to collect water - mesh shelf - 6 containers - mesh shelf - 6 containers). We are watering them 4x daily. They are in our extra room, by the glass door which gets a lot of morning sun, next to our chick pen (where we keep the chicks too small to go outside yet). Our current question is - will the seeds dry out too much between watering? We flood them 4x daily but it drains in 2-3 minutes, and then, of course, starts drying out until the next watering. How dry is too dry? Is 'feels moist' ok? Are they fine so long as they don't feel like hard dry seeds? I was considering putting paper towels on top of the seeds, but I'd worry about bacteria or mold growing in the paper towels.

We are following the directions of a certain website (which I apparently cannot link). But I will add the photo they show of their setup.

This is NOT our setup, but it's what we are working towards. As you see, there's no plastic sheeting or greenhouse-like lids on the seeds.

Another question. For those of you who do use the timer-pump method of watering... where in the world do you get a timer that will water 4x a day for 5-10min each time? My digital timer only allows 2 'timers' (so 2x a day) to be set, and my non-digital will allow as many as I press in but it's limited to 30-min blocks. Is 30min too long to flush water through the bins, at any stage of growth?
They're doing fine. You don't want them dripping wet as the hulls will retain enough water to help the inner seed sprout and grow. Rinsing twice per day should be plenty. As long as you do this, they won't dry out. By dry out, we mean get really dry like when you got them.
They're doing fine. You don't want them dripping wet as the hulls will retain enough water to help the inner seed sprout and grow. Rinsing twice per day should be plenty. As long as you do this, they won't dry out. By dry out, we mean get really dry like when you got them.
Thank you! No sprouts yet, but I read that BOSS is the slowest sprouter, so we're waiting. :)
Quote: I was hoping to see someone else who hadn't had a problem with metal containers. I saved metal popcorn containers like they sell at Christmas time and kept birdseed in them. Never had molding problems. Moths, yes; especially with hulled sunflower seeds. I have a couple of larger storage containers that a friend of my dad had made from galvanized sheet metal. We kept my pony's oats and alfalfa pellets in them. Never had a problem. I inherited the containers and they are a mess and need to be cleaned up. When I get that done, I plan to keep my chicken's feed and seed in them. One container should be able to store fifty pounds, but I doubt I'd ever buy that quantity since I have only six hens. Right now I use plastic containers that I keep in the house. If they ever attract rodents, I will switch to metal cans. When I buy large bags of dog food, etc... I keep it in my cold garage. I have less trouble with mice in there than I do in our shop.
I use a metal "trunk" (for lack of a better description for a sheet metal box) that I bought at a farm estate sale. It was used by the previous owner as a feed box so I figured an 80 something year old farmer would know if it was something worth keeping feed in and he lived less than a mile up the road from me. I keep the feed or seed in their bags and it will fit 6 bags (3 across - 2 deep). I have used it now for 4 years and not had any trouble with moisture, but varying climates may have something to do with different results for people. Mice chewed through the bottoms of some plastic trash cans I used to keep feed in so I was happy to get the metal feed box.......thanks, Joe....R.I.P.
Yeah me too. I don't want to buy them when they are so plenteous world-wide. My aunt thinks I'm crazy already. She says, "I know life's a bit difficult right now, but you plan to eat weeds?"

I explained my purpose to her and she grabbed a few heads that were still in her yard and is mailing them to me!

One thing I told her is that dandelions are extremely nutritious and romaine was probably considered a weed somewhere sometime until somebody tasted it!

Actually they already have been being used as food and medicine for many numbers of years, they have just been suppressed along with many other common "weeds".

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