Growing fodder for chickens

I would like to thank everyone on this site. I reviewed it from front to back and decided to build a fodder system for my 325 girls and 20 boys. The absolutely love the fodder, however they have not quite conjured up to eating the greens and roots as well as the seeds. I am currently experimenting with Wheat seed and BOSS along with a bird seed mix and putting in a cup or two of whole corn and oats. A little different mix daily (keep it interesting). Here is a picture of my final product. I only go five days, but thinking about adding a top shelf so the grass will grow a little higher and thicker.
looks great!!!! way to go!

Here are more pics of my fodder system. Thanks for the interest. I do notice the birds are heathier, better hatch rates for my hatchery and the eggs (so I am told by my customers) are smoother and creamier.
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Here are more pics of my fodder system. Thanks for the interest. I do notice the birds are heathier, better hatch rates for my hatchery and the eggs (so I am told by my customers) are smoother and creamier.

I really like your set-up. I'm assuming the pipes on top are for an auto-watering system?

How long have you been feeding fodder? About how many pounds of seed do you use on a daily/weekly basis to feed your 345 birds?

I'm seriously contemplating an attempt at raising chicks to butcher size on fodder to see how much I can reduce costs for feed. Will offer "free choice" feed as well, but am curious as to how much/little feed I would go through offering all the fodder they can eat.
I place about 6lbs of combined grains (wheat, BOSS, Corn, Oats, Millet) into the containers (41 quart from Wal Mart) about 1100 square surface inches per tray (4 X's 1100 sq inches = 4400 sq in). I feed the birds, 4 of these a day. 2 at sunup and 2 about 11/2 hours before sundown. Have to give them time to eat it before they go to roost. This seems to slow down there intake of the free feed I keep in their houses (laying pellets). So with 24 total lbs of dry seed, I figure I am feeding about 85 to 120 lbs of feed 5 days later. They certainly eat all the seed/grain, but they are adjusting (i hope) to the greens and roots. You are correct in assuming the tubes are waterers on an automatic timer. I am still experimenting with how long to water and how often. I now water 8 times a day for 5 minutes each. I have not had a mold issue yet and I am still not using bleach. I circulate only fresh water every cycle. I believe recycling starch is some of the causes of mold (so only fresh well water at about 70 degrees). Also the bottom trays drain outside to the flower beds where I can move the hose should the plants get to wet.
I place about 6lbs of combined grains (wheat, BOSS, Corn, Oats, Millet) into the containers (41 quart from Wal Mart) about 1100 square surface inches per tray (4 X's 1100 sq inches = 4400 sq in). I feed the birds, 4 of these a day. 2 at sunup and 2 about 11/2 hours before sundown. Have to give them time to eat it before they go to roost. This seems to slow down there intake of the free feed I keep in their houses (laying pellets). So with 24 total lbs of dry seed, I figure I am feeding about 85 to 120 lbs of feed 5 days later. They certainly eat all the seed/grain, but they are adjusting (i hope) to the greens and roots. You are correct in assuming the tubes are waterers on an automatic timer. I am still experimenting with how long to water and how often. I now water 8 times a day for 5 minutes each. I have not had a mold issue yet and I am still not using bleach. I circulate only fresh water every cycle. I believe recycling starch is some of the causes of mold (so only fresh well water at about 70 degrees). Also the bottom trays drain outside to the flower beds where I can move the hose should the plants get to wet.
I place about 6lbs of combined grains (wheat, BOSS, Corn, Oats, Millet) into the containers (41 quart from Wal Mart) about 1100 square surface inches per tray (4 X's 1100 sq inches = 4400 sq in). I feed the birds, 4 of these a day. 2 at sunup and 2 about 11/2 hours before sundown. Have to give them time to eat it before they go to roost. This seems to slow down there intake of the free feed I keep in their houses (laying pellets). So with 24 total lbs of dry seed, I figure I am feeding about 85 to 120 lbs of feed 5 days later. They certainly eat all the seed/grain, but they are adjusting (i hope) to the greens and roots. You are correct in assuming the tubes are waterers on an automatic timer. I am still experimenting with how long to water and how often. I now water 8 times a day for 5 minutes each. I have not had a mold issue yet and I am still not using bleach. I circulate only fresh water every cycle. I believe recycling starch is some of the causes of mold (so only fresh well water at about 70 degrees). Also the bottom trays drain outside to the flower beds where I can move the hose should the plants get to wet.
6lbs per tray or 1 1/2 lbs per tray?
6 lbs per tray, for this size. It fills up the tray about 1/2 to 1 inch high. Not saying that is the correct amount. I am still experiementing. Any suggestions or experimentation results would be greatly appreciated.

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