Growing fodder for chickens

Well, it's that time of the year again! The grass outside has stopped growing and my chickens have started to eat my potted plants, including the precious basil plant! *Eeek!*
So, you know what that means; it's time for fodder! I haven't posted on this thread since last winter, and I am so excited to get the fodder going again.
I actually already got a small batch started. Last year I had a big problem with mold. This time I soaked my wheat seeds in a bleach mixture for some 7-8 hours, thinking that would fix it. Today is day 5, and the mold has started to grow...
Should I rinse my seed in a bleach mixture? What is the best thing to do?
Well, it's that time of the year again! The grass outside has stopped growing and my chickens have started to eat my potted plants, including the precious basil plant! *Eeek!*
So, you know what that means; it's time for fodder! I haven't posted on this thread since last winter, and I am so excited to get the fodder going again.
I actually already got a small batch started. Last year I had a big problem with mold. This time I soaked my wheat seeds in a bleach mixture for some 7-8 hours, thinking that would fix it. Today is day 5, and the mold has started to grow...
Should I rinse my seed in a bleach mixture? What is the best thing to do?

You could just feed as 4 day sprouts before the mold starts.
Well, it's that time of the year again! The grass outside has stopped growing and my chickens have started to eat my potted plants, including the precious basil plant! *Eeek!*
So, you know what that means; it's time for fodder! I haven't posted on this thread since last winter, and I am so excited to get the fodder going again.
I actually already got a small batch started. Last year I had a big problem with mold. This time I soaked my wheat seeds in a bleach mixture for some 7-8 hours, thinking that would fix it. Today is day 5, and the mold has started to grow...
Should I rinse my seed in a bleach mixture? What is the best thing to do?

I've been using about a tablespoon of peroxide to a cup of warm/hot water with my half cup of seed for about 20 min before the overnight soak... seems to work great on everything but BOSS... so I just rinse those again about every other day with a little peroxide in the rinse water. I figure if you can gargle with it, and it's rinsed off... The bleach wasn't working for me, either. We're mulling various methods for bumping up production. I really like K's bag sprouting method for the chickens, just need to find some lonely tote lids or something and then start doing longer-growing sprouts in my shoe box size clear containers for the rabbits we aquired 2 weeks ago. I think that's going to go well... Chickens Love Poop. Weird little creatures.
I guess I could do that, but I would much rather feed them the grass which is much more nutritious and cost effective.
Interesting that you say the grass is more nutritious. I have read that just sprouted seeds are more nutrient dense. Does it really make a difference. ? Thanks.
Interesting that you say the grass is more nutritious. I have read that just sprouted seeds are more nutrient dense. Does it really make a difference. ? Thanks.

I read that too, that non grazers are benefitted more from sprouts, where grazers and rabbits more from fodder.
I read that too, that non grazers are benefitted more from sprouts, where grazers and rabbits more from fodder.
Oh good. I like growing the sprouts. It is easier for me. I just didn't want to short the girls on nutrition. I have corn sprouting, lentils, feed oats, buckwheat groats and trying kamut scratch.
Hello! I just wondered if you can go wrong using free choice commercial feed and supplementing with fodder. My primary concern for young birds is getting them the nutrition they need. I just want to make sure they won't over eat other foods and not eat enough commercial feed to meet their needs. I have seen sad things from people who try to feed 100% fodder in fall or winter with young birds. Are they smart enough to balance their diet if its available?
Hello! I just wondered if you can go wrong using free choice commercial feed and supplementing with fodder. My primary concern for young birds is getting them the nutrition they need. I just want to make sure they won't over eat other foods and not eat enough commercial feed to meet their needs. I have seen sad things from people who try to feed 100% fodder in fall or winter with young birds. Are they smart enough to balance their diet if its available?
I think most folks feed a portion of commercial feed in addition to fodder. My adult birds get commercial feed, poultry wheat, a special bread that I make for them, and fodder. The babies get only commercial feed because their gizzards need to work up to being able to handle food that takes more effort to digest. If I had a better feed mill I'd formulate the grains/nutrients myself and grind it up, but it's slim pickings in my area.

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