Growing fodder for chickens

Have another batch of BOSS going very well, the girls love it :) just have to feed first bite by hand. They are not spoiled or anything.. Haha
I did a mix of BOSS with other seeds it turned out well, they ate every bit. The BOSS grows slower so the other seeds were bigger sprouts, it didn't seem to matter.
Hi, what is the best mix of seeds to use? I really want to try this out! Thanks
I couldn't find any quality seed in bulk this time of year so I just used some of the seeds from the chicken treat container we had in the shed. They've sprouted up just fine and I'll probably feed it to the hens today. I also bought a small bag of sunflower seeds at the grocery store and soaked them a couple days ago. They're also sprouting and should be good to go in a week or so.
It's pretty cool how fast the stuff grows. I hope I can set this up to be a way to supplement the feed we give the chickens to help keep feed costs down. I'd love to get an automated system up and running to preclude the need to hand water every tray, every day.
We started this as an experiment last week and so far, it's working. Just got to gather the funds to put an automated system together.
I got new pics of my set up. We do two trays and one red bucket every day. The red bucket is for chickens. We only sprout it for four days and stir it alot so it does not root together. My chickens like it better that way.






instead of drilling the holes in my containers, I used an ice pick heated up on the gas stove to punch holes in the lids & bottoms. A little smoke/smell to deal with, but, nice round holes that drain well.
My automated system is up and running nicely. Waters itself 24h a day by drips, circulated by a pond pump and draining through pvc. Once my seed is pre-soaked and transferred to the trays, it takes care of itself! Love it.
Here's my wheat fodder at day 5. Seems to be going slow but it is turning green now. I was wondering when you water do you use warm water or cold? Does it matter.

I use Luke warm water , put a 25-40 watt light over it. It really kicks it in growing. Especially when you see green like yours. Mine looks like yours now also.

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