Growing fodder for chickens

Barley and wheat fodder probably would't be beneficial to you since your birds enjoy nearly year round access to greens free ranging. The fermented barley should be just fine. If you want to replace the soy for protein, there might be options with a different kind of fodder/sprout that is more of a warm weather crop less likely to mold with the higher temperatures in your area. (I think that most of the soy grown in the US right now is Monsanto genetically modified (GMO) which I find annoying.) Anyway, according to my most recent research, lentil sprouts contain 22 to 35% protein. I have some mixed into my newest soak bucket.

Love this idea of adding lentils... they have great protein!
My lentils are starting to sprout! My newest fodder mix trial is 1 lb of wheat, 2 oz. boss, and 1 oz lentils.

Cool, noted....
You are too kind. The fact is that I'm a chicken geek of epic proportions. Just ask my husband. He was laughing at me this evening as I sat in my chair going over my notes for next breeding season. Poor guy. LOL

Haha, that's funny... I've been saying I need a schematic to figure out how I'm going to stagger my hatches next spring, lol

Awesome that so many people have been checking out this thread.. I love the idea of increasing our sustainability, and this can be done with such little space, and we can eat them, too=)
lentils sprouted failed... out of all the birds my poor lonely pearl Guinea ate them. her Friend Loppy (just passed) is gone and my little Quasy is alone.(Loppy was badly crippled on her foot. not enough to cull, but there was clearly other issues we didn't see.. she left us suddenly without warning.) the Chickens, white guineas, geese and ducks ignored them like they are poison. got scratch tonight will see how that goes. set the scratch to sprout so we can try it.
I put the fodder in as a flat square as my birds enjoy breaking it up by themselves. It took awhile for some groups to really get into the fodder idea, so don't be discouraged if your birds look at you like you are crazy when you offer it to them. No, it's not as tasty as bread and scratch and other goodies, but it's healthy for them and they'll appreciate it once they get used to it. My turkeys were the most "new food challenged". I swear, turkeys think that anything....and I mean anything new in their environment is a snake. It can even be a new blend of grain......they start stretching their necks towards the offending object, at a safe distance.....feet dancing, whooping and whistling their turkey alarm until one brave bird decides that it's food. Silly birds. Fortunately, chickens aren't as dense. LOL The trick for me has been to just keep offering the new food until they take to it.

jchny2000 - were your lentils mixed into a grass seed or sprouted by themselves?
Here are pics of my fodder in a short tote. I started with about 1/2-1" of seed base of mainly barley with some boss through out. It's been about a week now since I started. As you can see the original seed base depth has tripled or quadrupled in size. It grows in my garage where it's pretty chilly and we haven't started having sun since a few days ago, so if it were in a warmer environment with more sun, I'm sure it would have taken off. I water it twice a day making sure it's not to wet between rinses. Have a look.

Please list the types of plants that can be grown as micro-greens without a medium. That would be awesome. Thanks. :)
Alfalfa, Radish, Lettuce, Collards, Corn Salad, Red and Green lentils, Beet, Mustard Greens, Mesclun, etc.

Most any Salad Green can be grown as a mico or baby green and without a medium.

Alfalfa, Radish, Lettuce, Collards, Corn Salad, Red and Green lentils, Beet, Mustard Greens, Mesclun, etc.

Most any Salad Green can be grown as a mico or baby green and without a medium.

Thank you!
Alfalfa, Radish, Lettuce, Collards, Corn Salad, Red and Green lentils, Beet, Mustard Greens, Mesclun, etc.

Most any Salad Green can be grown as a mico or baby green and without a medium.


Thanks! Maybe I'll start myself a little fodder tray along with the birds' one, lol.

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