gruesome, devastating find this morning


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2015
Went out to the coop this morning and found one of my rir pulled halfway through the chicken wire. He was pretty ate up. Im in tears for what she went thru and not having her ptotectef well enough. From what i have read i believe it was a racoon, but where we live there are hawks, owls and coyotes that could also be on the list. Will this predator be back tonight? I will sit out with a 22 if necessary!!! I have 11 more chickens i would like to protect. And yes hardware cloth is coming soon i have read its better than chicken wire.
Sorry to hear that:(
How did it get in do you know?
And also do your chickens roost at night?
I transformed my old garage into a chicken coop had it as my chicken coop for 4 years now I wouldn't say mine is predator safe because it has a huge hole but my chickens roost 5-6 feet off the ground and so far no loss in any of my chickens.
My chickens roost about 5ft off the ground. They like to all stay on the long perch above their run instead of going in the covered area. And the predator didnt get in but was able to reach in thru the chicken wire and grab one. I thought they were pretty safe...never imagined another animal being able to do this...through chicken wire.
Chicken wire is great at keeping chickens in, but raccoons can reach right through. Unless you want to cover your entire run in hardware cloth, I suggest shutting your chickens up in a coop at night.
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Ok looks like a no sleep kind of night. Tomarrow we will do a few things to the coop to make them more secure.
Thanks everyone...
I thought they were pretty safe...never imagined another animal being able to do this...through chicken wire.

Unfortunately, this is a quite common occurrence. Raccoons are well known for this tactic. Good idea to get the hardware cloth installed. I use it all around the bottom of my run but not up where the roosting posts are. Maybe I'd better get on that.

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