Guess my chickens breeds.

Ancona, Buff Orpington, Silkie, Bantam Cochin, and Barred Rock?
Ancona, Buff Orpington, Silkie, Bantam Cochin, and Barred Rock?
Picture 1 = Wrong
Picture 2 = Wrong
Picture 3 = Correct
Picture 4 = Wrong but correct about the bantam bit thought
Picture 5 = I will give you that, she is actually a Speckledy but the two breeds looks almost identical.

I said they would be difficult 🤭😂
This is just a thread for people (like me) who want to show off their beautiful birds and have others guess what breeds they are.
So here are my beautiful birds: View attachment 2047072View attachment 2047073 You'll recognize this one as my avatar: View attachment 2047076View attachment 2047077 This ones sideways:🙃 View attachment 2047078 So i have one more but she doesn't like pics :( so i don't have any good ones. Hope you have fun guessing! Can't wait to guess yours!
Is the very top one a Red Star...? We have one that looks exactly like her.
Nope, but close!!! She is a Golden Sex-link. Do you have any chickens you want to show? We would love to see them!
Here are a few of my chickens. In total we have 14, (4 roosters and 10 hens.) I'll post more pics ot them later. You can guess the breeds if you want. 😂

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