Guess on young mix breeds


8 Years
Oct 7, 2014
They are just over two months old, I hatched them out myself and I got the eggs from a seller close to me. Part of the year she separates some by breed to hatch and sell eggs. I wanted a diverse flock so I bought the mix breed eggs. Now I'm just curious about the mixes on a few of them.

She has these breeds: Speckled Sussex, BBS Copper Marans, Ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, EEs, Leghorns, Sussex, Red Sexlink and Salmon Faverolles.

This one is confusing me the most. The front is orange and the bottom is grey.
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It was raining yesterday so some of them are still kind of muddy on the lower half.
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I wasn't told of any cuckoo patterned chickens. Maybe cuckoo marans?
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What breeds are the roosters? The first might be speckled sussex mix, has the leg color, comb, and a few feathers on its back that are coloured different from the rest of its body.

I'm not sure about roosters. I know she has a speckled sussex breeding program now the cockerel(s) have grown interest in the hens. But that was only about a month ago so no boys old enough when I got my eggs.

Ameraucana, EE, OE I'm sure she has roos. Only one red sexlink, hen, two salmon Faverolles witch I believe both are hens . Two leghorns that I'm not sure what gender.

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