Guess What I Found Yesterday.....

Well who's eggs were who's LOL
Do you have breeding pens for each sebastopol pair? or do you let them mix breed?

pips&peeps :

They are all curly breasted.

My birds have lots of different lines. A couple are from Metzer Farms, a couple have Holderreads lineage, I just got a beautiful male from the Foley's in Kentucky. His lineage was quoted as the following:

Most of my geese came from Freddie Gregory here in Kentucky, he got his directly from a breeder that imported from Europe years ago.

One egg was laid this afternoon around 2:00 and the other was laid on Friday afternoon.​
They goos that laid these eggs is a nice curly breasted no stiff feathers or angel wing. I saw her leaving the nest box today. And, she is burrying her eggs.

I have two alpha ganders which are both of nice quality, not the new guy.

I do not have breeding pens set up right now as I still have lots of snow on the ground and no where to set them up. It is also too cold at night to leave the birds outside as it has been below 20 degrees.

As soon as I can, I will be setting up breeding pens, hence the low cost on the eggs. Most breeders sell them for $10.00 a piece plus shipping.
So are you going to sell the other eggs for more or the same price like these? When are you going to set those breeding pens up?
Are you going to start breeding that new male you got with your nicest female?
They should make some beautiful babies.

pips&peeps :

They goos that laid these eggs is a nice curly breasted no stiff feathers or angel wing. I saw her leaving the nest box today. And, she is burrying her eggs.

I have two alpha ganders which are both of nice quality, not the new guy.

I do not have breeding pens set up right now as I still have lots of snow on the ground and no where to set them up. It is also too cold at night to leave the birds outside as it has been below 20 degrees.

As soon as I can, I will be setting up breeding pens, hence the low cost on the eggs. Most breeders sell them for $10.00 a piece plus shipping.​

I will set up the breeding pens when it warms up enough that they can stay out all night. Only Mother Nature knows for sure when that will be. No, the eggs will be more when I get my better birds confined. I plan on putting my new male in with my best hen and her daughter from last year. They are both very nice birds.
Jean I would be interested....SOLD what is your email for paypal?
Is there a way you can sell me one or two more. how much more for one or two more eggs if you can collect some?

Thanks i cant wait to get my hand on these eggs!
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pips&peeps :

I've got a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.....

Hhmm, now where did I put that???

I was all ready to fire up the incubator. I think I will start it in the morning just in case I get another.

Yay! IHope you do those birds are beauties!!!!

If I got geese it would either be them or pilgrims

I wanted to add, that i lOVE your title...that's right (no I in ameraucana)!
Well you can just PM me the email with your paypal account so that i can pay.....will you have one more egg or two available either today or tomorrow?
How much would it be for all four or three if you do happen to have any extras?

thank you Jean!
The eggs are sold at this time.

I am sorry Chicken777, I cannot, in good conscience, sell you any chicks or hatching eggs knowing that it is illegal for you to have them where you live.

Please feel free to contact me in the future if you get the zoning changed in your area.
I am understand you Jean and you are most right on that. And you are right on the laws for Orlando citizens and that is why myself and soo many other people are doing their best in support to change these laws and we will very very soon!
Unfortunely I wont fully enjoy these law changes soon enough because i am going to move back north very soon in the upcoming months where having poultry is allowed. I am participating in this cause to change the laws in Orlando to forbid anyone else to lose their beloved animals not for my good but for everyone in Orlando and the whole state of FL. That is actually one very good reason why I wanted to buy some sebbie eggs because i would love to have them hatched (they hatch in one month) and then raise them(they mature for months more) until I move and take them with me. The laying season for them is soo short and once I do move no one will have any eggs for me to hatch out. I am though going to take all my animals with me...I wouldnt dare leave them in Orlando!

Well just wanted to tell you that and maybe in the near future you can be able to sell me some of your sebbie eggs at this same great price.

Thanks again and God Bless!

Rafael A.

pips&peeps :

The eggs are sold at this time.

I am sorry Chicken777, I cannot, in good conscience, sell you any chicks or hatching eggs knowing that it is illegal for you to have them where you live.

Please feel free to contact me in the future if you get the zoning changed in your area.​
Chicken777, let me know when you move, I may even have some started goslings available.

But in the meantime, I got two eggs yesterday and I set them. Let's see how it goes....

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