Guinea pigs (need an opinion)

Sep 15, 2021
Well i had a guinea pig die today. Its the second guinea pig. Should i get petunia a new freind? I really dont want another but it it benefits her i will....the first guinea pig was 8 and i got petuina well the eight year old died. So almost a year went by and my freind need to rehome his for a couple months so i took her in and she had a lot of health problems anyway she died today. I feel she does fine by herself but its her second death so does she need a new friend or what?
Here is a pic of my Lonley pig. She is almost 2
I think your pig will do fine by herself.
actually no guineapigs can die frokm lonliness and depression so getting her another friend would be a good choice if she doesn't do well with other guinea pigs or got in fights with your one that passed she most likely would do fine alone if the y never fought id recommend getting her a new companion just make sure you introduce them properly my guinea pigs companion passed but they always fought and it was caused by cookie the one we still have he is a lone guinea-pig because of this but are closely watching for signs of depression or lonlyness and if we do see something we are ready to pounce if your guinea pig is social pls get her a companion
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actually no guineapigs can die frokm lonliness and depression so getting her another friend would be a good choice if she doesn't do well with other guinea pigs or got in fights with your one that passed she most likely would do fine alone if the y never fought id recommend getting her a new companion just make sure you introduce them properly my guinea pigs companion passed but they always fought and it was caused by cookie the one we still have he is a lone guinea-pig because of this but are closely watching for signs of depression or lonlyness and if we do see something we are ready to pounce if your guinea pig is social pls get her a companion
She wonders around my room all the time. And is constantly with people. But does that count as socialization? They never fought and they slept together but the one that died was the clingy one not her. I will definitely watch for depression and will get another if that's the she doesn't speak loudly like normal. But I am hopeing ad days go on she will be back to herself
I'm in this boat with clover my guinea pig, her sister died last week at 4 1/2 months old to a unknown cause and we don't know whether we should get her a new friend. Clover was the dominant one and if clover wanted the hide she chased pumpkin out, so we don't know if she would be better on her own or we should get her a friend.
I'm in this boat with clover my guinea pig, her sister died last week at 4 1/2 months old to a unknown cause and we don't know whether we should get her a new friend. Clover was the dominant one and if clover wanted the hide she chased pumpkin out, so we don't know if she would be better on her own or we should get her a friend.
My petuina has not had a freind yet amd she is doing great. I would say unless she gets depressed after 2 weeks you should otherwise no unless you want another one
I'm in this boat with clover my guinea pig, her sister died last week at 4 1/2 months old to a unknown cause and we don't know whether we should get her a new friend. Clover was the dominant one and if clover wanted the hide she chased pumpkin out, so we don't know if she would be better on her own or we should get her a friend.
Personally, I would not let a guinea pig live that long alone. Guinea pigs are highly social animals. While they can do fine alone, they are far happier with a companion. Often when guinea pigs don't do well together, specially for females, they don't have enough room or proper hiding places. There are so many people who get guinea pigs for their kids and end up rehoming them this time of year. It would be easy to get another.

If the guinea pig was old and may not live much longer, I wouldn't consider another guinea pig unless you were planning on continually having guinea pigs.

I had one guinea pig who was unable to live with the others for about a year. She became suddenly a terror. She then became sick and was starting to make a recovery. She wasn't as strong so we put her back with the others. She got along great and was the happiest she had been in a long while. So even though they can live alone, they will not be as happy.

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