Guinea talk.

Quick question that might catch some people off guard. Our two little keets aren't so little anymore but still have at least some of their tiger stripes, I have 4 roosters in the chicken coop and have been waiting until I figured they could handle themselves to introduce them to the rest of the population. What age is good to chase them out of the brooder and integrate them with the rest of the population?
Quick question that might catch some people off guard. Our two little keets aren't so little anymore but still have at least some of their tiger stripes, I have 4 roosters in the chicken coop and have been waiting until I figured they could handle themselves to introduce them to the rest of the population. What age is good to chase them out of the brooder and integrate them with the rest of the population?
I start supervised integration sessions at a few weeks old, before they are a threat to anyone and they can learn the flock dynamics early.
I think that's the roughest part about Guineas - they are very aggressive with each other.  I know Patti hasn't experienced that with hers - maybe because there are only two and a male and female.  Mine were pecking each other in the neck and several looked like prize fighters one morning.  I thought it was because they were in crates and it did seem to get better once they are out in the coop and run, but if looks like you have a good amount of space for them.  I wonder if it isn't developmental too.  I think mine were about 4-6 weeks when I say all of the aggression.  Actually, I had 3 incidences when they were 1-2 weeks as well.  If it helps, mine did heal up fine and they are doing better now at 10 weeks.  I just have issues with the one adult, but I've been told that his behavior is normal, so I'm going with it for now.  Good luck with everything - when they're like that, it's hard to go to work and leave them, but Guineas are rough and tough birds.  I hope the skirting keeps the raccoons away. 

They cannibalize each other because they are not smart. They see and smell meat or the red of a cut and then attempt to eat it. In this case it is not a matter of aggression per se but stupidity.

Once the swelling had gone down on his face I saw the bite marks of a cat. My cats have never gone after a bird. They are adopted and somehow they have always known or sensed it would be the ultimate no no.

I used antibiotic, corona, saline and a vinegar disinfectant and divided low dose aspirin dissolved in his water for pain management This morning his eyes were still swollen shut and I figured after work I would have to cull him but sometime around 4 when I checked in he was eating. Both eyes were open. At bed time I went out again and he was on his little perch in the icu. He isnt out of the woods because of possible infection that isnt visible. Though nothing in his behavior indicates it.

The baby isnt doing so well. Well he looks like he shouldn't be doing well. The leg is twisted and the knee looks deformed. I am very angry for following bad advice. The rubberband straw technique ruined my baby bird I am certain. Just Monday he was so near 65% recovery now he is down to 5.. and thats a stretch. He is on aspirin too. I cant cull him. I wont. I will make him his own house before that. If I saw trembling or chills, tremors, droopy head, loss of interest in siblings I would do the humane thing. He doesnt seem to be suffering and thats what I dont understand. If his leg is messed up why isnt he in pain? Why is he still humping around on the good leg?? Why is he still eating and drinking water? Wouldn't he stop doing all that if he were in pain? Or do wild animals pretend to be well when they are not?
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Charid I'm so sorry you are going threw all this. One in icu and the other one limping around. It seems like to me the baby is giving it his all to live and he is not giving up. I don't know about the pain feelings but if he was in pain he wouldn't be up moving around. Just my opinion.

I hope they continue to get better and bless your heart for giving them a chance.
Charid I'm so sorry you are going threw all this.  One in icu and the other one limping around.  It seems like to me the baby is giving it his all to live and he is not giving up.  I don't know about the pain feelings but if he was in pain he wouldn't be up moving around.  Just my opinion.  

I hope they continue to get better and bless your heart for giving them a chance.  :hugs

Thank you. I wish i could have gotten him in sooner but Friday was the only opening that they had and I had off from work. Sometimes wish I would have called in just to get in afraid they will say there is nothing we can do here.
Hi I will join your thread. I'm very new with raising guineas. Mine are 7 weeks old and growing by leaps and bounds. I've heard a lot of negative things about guineas but so far mine have been a joy to have. They are much more tame then my ducks. They love to follow me around in the yard and if I sit down they are right there beside me. They are goofy looking little birds which makes them all the more delightful to watch. I'm going to try to attach some pics of them these were taken a couple of weeks ago. Have a great day.
I have 6 crested Guineas and I really enjoy them! They free range when I am out with them. When I mow the lawn in my lower they follow me! For some reason they like the tractor! They got in the pond the other day and I had to help them out. They ran back to their coop and dried themselves off. They are a lot of fun!
Hi Crash I would love to see pics of your crested guineas. I think they follow the lawnmower because it stirs up the bugs while your cutting the grass. They are characters aren't they? So they went for a little swim in the pond.
Mine don't like to be wet at all. When it starts raining they come to the door and want inside.
I have 6 crested Guineas and I really enjoy them! They free range when I am out with them. When I mow the lawn in my lower they follow me! For some reason they like the tractor! They got in the pond the other day and I had to help them out. They ran back to their coop and dried themselves off. They are a lot of fun!

Adorable. I love guineas. People say why not get chickens?? I say pssh, chickens?? Everyone has chickens...

But ya Im thinking about getting some pullets now.
Quick question that might catch some people off guard. Our two little keets aren't so little anymore but still have at least some of their tiger stripes, I have 4 roosters in the chicken coop and have been waiting until I figured they could handle themselves to introduce them to the rest of the population. What age is good to chase them out of the brooder and integrate them with the rest of the population?

I had an adult male guinea and the keets were introduced (they were in dog crates) when they were old enough that they didn't need additional heat - around 6-7 weeks. I tried putting them together a week later - THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH TIME. I went two more weeks and tried again (they could still see each other, but not interact) and there are still some issues with normal harassing - the adult toward the keets. Now the keets are 10 weeks old and they free range together, but I still haven't put them together at night. I'll keep working on it and eventually it should work. Not sure about chickens - I know some people have found the guineas to be even more aggressive with chickens and ducks. Some of it is just what you're willing to deal with and what you can just let go and chalk up to normal guinea behavior. Good luck!

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