Guinea talk.

Welcome crash2008
I'd love to see pictures of your 6 crested guineas when you get a chance to post. I think that's funny about them following the lawnmower and we are finding the same thing when my husband has the tractor out. They get all puffed up and charge at it like they are going to do battle! They are so silly. I agree with Charid - everyone has chickens - guineas are so unique and more people in my area are becoming interested in them to use as a natural control for bugs and ticks! Hooray for Guineas!

Charid - I think Patti is right. If your guinea was in a lot of pain, I don't think you'd see all the movement. It may be in some discomfort, but as long as it's getting around and eating and drinking and not showing any of the warning signs you mentioned, I think those are great signs. Hopefully you will continue to see progress. It's tough when we try to do the best we can and then get advice that sets the animals back. Grrrr! And I think you were the one that mentioned Corona before - I have bought some, used it and really like how it goes on. I've been using it on my injured / sick one after I clean the vent area. It can't move to get out of it's excrement, so after I clean it up, I put on a coating of Corona to keep it from getting burned and irritated. Works great!

We are celebrating our 10 weeks with the keets today. Even though they are big enough to fly on the higher roosts, they still like hanging out on their "baby" roosts during the day. So funny! And they broke their feeder, so I have the open bottom bungee corded to a cinder block, the same goes for their watering dispenser.

Welcome crash2008 :welcome I'd love to see pictures of your 6 crested guineas when you get a chance to post. I think that's funny about them following the lawnmower and we are finding the same thing when my husband has the tractor out. They get all puffed up and charge at it like they are going to do battle! They are so silly. I agree with Charid - everyone has chickens - guineas are so unique and more people in my area are becoming interested in them to use as a natural control for bugs and ticks! Hooray for Guineas! Charid - I think Patti is right. If your guinea was in a lot of pain, I don't think you'd see all the movement. It may be in some discomfort, but as long as it's getting around and eating and drinking and not showing any of the warning signs you mentioned, I think those are great signs. Hopefully you will continue to see progress. It's tough when we try to do the best we can and then get advice that sets the animals back. Grrrr! And I think you were the one that mentioned Corona before - I have bought some, used it and really like how it goes on. I've been using it on my injured / sick one after I clean the vent area. It can't move to get out of it's excrement, so after I clean it up, I put on a coating of Corona to keep it from getting burned and irritated. Works great!:clap We are celebrating our 10 weeks with the keets today. Even though they are big enough to fly on the higher roosts, they still like hanging out on their "baby" roosts during the day. So funny! And they broke their feeder, so I have the open bottom bungee corded to a cinder block, the same goes for their watering dispenser.
That is too stinking cute. They will perch on their baby perch until it snaps. <3
Oh they've lost their tiger stripes and look all grown up now. Wow I can't believe how much they have changed. They look like adults now. That is so funny their still perching on their baby perch. It won't be long they will be perching in the rafters. Mary Jane perches in the top of the coop but Spider still remains on the bottom perch. He must be afraid of heights.

Spider sit on my lap today and he actually went to sleep. It looks so funny to see that bottom eye lid going up. He loves to have his neck scratched. Those long feathers on their neck are so wierd looking. It looks like long hair growing out of their necks.

Thanks for sharing their pics.
i have lots of guinea experence
1. baby guineas are called keets
2.wen you let them out to free range be sure not to let them out all at once have a small amount out you let them out all at once thell wannder to far and not come back
3. guineas come in many varieties you have pearl gray others are bronze, brown, buff, buff dundotte, chocolate, coral blue, lavender wich is rare, lite lavender, opaline, pearl gray, pewter, pied, porcelain, powder blue, royal purple, sky blue, slate, violet, and white
4. there origin is africa
5.they come in 2 other breeds crested and vulturine wich are calmer than other guinea fowl
6.they will help gard your birds you know somethings wrong when the male guineas start to chirp
7.they like to sleep in trees to be carfull
Patti - I am glad that you got the chance to get Spiderman in you lap. The last time you tried, it sounded like he wasn't too fond of petting anymore, but maybe it was just the day. Did you find that you could tell the difference between male and female at an early age? Aside from the buckwheat call of the female, I notice their necks are thinner and the those hairs that you mentioned seeing on Spiders neck - there are more on my males than on the females. The males also appear to look more like vultures than the females. I was curious if you've noticed the same with your two.

Charid - I laughed out loud at your comment. You are so right - they will keep perching on those baby perches until they snap!

Two successful days of free ranging EVERYONE together in the afternoon - they are coming back into the run / coop all on their own. Very pleased.... Nice day today and will get them out again and start to increase their time.

Happy Saturday everyone!
Welcome Silkiehen. I've had guineas for 3 1/2 months now and I started out with zero knowledge on them. My husband surprised me with 2 baby keets he bought at Rural King. I had only seen one other guinea in my life. I saw it a state fair and I was shocked to see this martian looking bird in a cage. So now I have 2 martians running around my yard and I love my guneas.
From the very start Spider has always been bigger then Mary Jane. Spider walks more upright then Mary Jane. Spiders blue is prettier then Mary Janes. I can't believe from day two they had their names and we guessed right on the sex. Mary's feet are two toned their a black and orange and Spiders feet are all black. That helped alot telling the two apart when they were not side by side to see the size difference. Spiders waddles are larger and Mary's waddles are small and looked almost attached to her face. Spiders hang down and waddle. Their personalities are totally different. Spider loves people and Mary only tolerates them to be around Spider. I guess Spider was having a bad day that other day I held him because he didn't seem to enjoy it one bit. Yesterday he was back to his old self again. Yes the hairlike feathers on his neck are longer on his neck then Marys. Can you tell your females from the males now?
Thanks, Patti! I'm still having issues with Henry. He keeps wanted to gather his harem of females and chases the males away. Ive been told it's normal, but I don't want him keeping them out of the coop at night. I chased Henry out last night and he's been staying outside at night. Not the safest for him, but the alternative is that I have 5 females and Henry in the coop and 10 males (yes, I think that's my breakdown, or close to it - straight run - go figure) outside. Not good for the flock and the safety of the flock comes before one bird. I keep hoping they'll get big enough and he'll leave them alone!

They are free ranging in the tall grass together and really like it. I think they're not easy targets for Henry there. You can't see them, but you can hear them almost coo. I increased their time today - they are up to 6 hours.

It's been a week with the sick one and he still can't move his legs, but he is preening, eating, drinking and making normal poo. There's movement in his wings - I think that's new and I give him water therapy every other day and hold his underside to make him flap his wings and gain some strength. I'm going to continue for 3 weeks - or unless his situation gets worse.

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