Guinea talk.

From the very start Spider has always been bigger then Mary Jane. Spider walks more upright then Mary Jane. Spiders blue is prettier then Mary Janes. I can't believe from day two they had their names and we guessed right on the sex. Mary's feet are two toned their a black and orange and Spiders feet are all black. That helped alot telling the two apart when they were not side by side to see the size difference. Spiders waddles are larger and Mary's waddles are small and looked almost attached to her face. Spiders hang down and waddle. Their personalities are totally different. Spider loves people and Mary only tolerates them to be around Spider. I guess Spider was having a bad day that other day I held him because he didn't seem to enjoy it one bit. Yesterday he was back to his old self again. Yes the hairlike feathers on his neck are longer on his neck then Marys. Can you tell your females from the males now?

Thank you for listing the differences here. It helps everyone learn what to look for. You did a good job guessing and your grandson did a good job with the names!
Thanks, Patti!  I'm still having issues with Henry.  He keeps wanted to gather his harem of females and chases the males away.  Ive been told it's normal, but I don't want him keeping them out of the coop at night.  I chased Henry out last night and he's been staying outside at night.  Not the safest for him, but the alternative is that I have 5 females and Henry in the coop and 10 males (yes, I think that's my breakdown, or close to it - straight run - go figure) outside.  Not good for the flock and the safety of the flock comes before one bird.  I keep hoping they'll get big enough and he'll leave them alone! 

They are free ranging in the tall grass together and really like it.  I think they're not easy targets for Henry there.  You can't see them, but you can hear them almost coo.  I increased their time today - they are up to 6 hours. 

It's been a week with the sick one and he still can't move his legs, but he is preening, eating, drinking and making normal poo.  There's movement in his wings - I think that's new and I give him water therapy every other day and hold his underside to make him flap his wings and gain some strength.  I'm going to continue for 3 weeks - or unless his situation gets worse.   

How long has he been unable to use his legs? Was it an accident or did he get pummeled or fall from a perch? Have you inspected his legs and the joints?

Did you search the symptoms online and on BYC? There is an emergency section over the site. Post there for help. I dont know what all his symptoms are. Poor bird. I hope he pulls through. Have you tried a pro vito sol? I just read it but never have seen it anywhere. You could also try Vit B, E and niacin.

Also the pecking order will happen no matter what. The moment they reunite it will happen all over again. If not with Henry then the next male as they get older. It has to happen. But flock safety. I understand just hope Henry doesnt get eatten. Also aggressive males, in the end, protect their flocks better.

Two of my males went at it vying for the hen. Its ugly and its brutal but its nature for them. And mine are only 7 wks old.
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well you see guineas arnt really haed to raise heres a dirgram of guinea variaties

Cant see that. Is this guy opaline? I thought he was a jumbo or french. He is daddy to all my babies but not one is like him. They are all pied or black with white dots. The other daddy was solid white. None of him either.

Both died nobly at the hands of coons. I would like to buy some but dont know my varieties.

Cant see that. Is this guy opaline? I thought he was a jumbo or french. He is daddy to all my babies but not one is like him. They are all pied or black with white dots. The other daddy was solid white. None of him either.

Both died nobly at the hands of coons. I would like to buy some but dont know my varieties.

That's a lavender and a white. To get more lavenders you need lavender x lavender or one or two pearl recessive for lavender (such as your pearl offspring). The pieds are the white males kids. To get whites you will need white x white, pied x pied, or white x pied (not all will be white for the latter two combinations).
That's a lavender and a white. To get more lavenders you need lavender x lavender or one or two pearl recessive for lavender (such as your pearl offspring). The pieds are the white males kids. To get whites you will need white x white, pied x pied, or white x pied (not all will be white for the latter two combinations).

Ok. Thank you. So perhaps this years babies will yield some whites next laying season. I have about 6 pies (pearl x white) out of 18 so hopefully two will pair off and give me some whites....wont know if any of the the pearls carry recessive lavender until I get some lavender babies but considering my only pie and lavender produced all pearls and pies, odds aren't in my favor for any more lavenders.
Just an update on the sick one... I lost him this afternoon. We both gave it a good fight.

I did check out the symptoms on line and although I can't be sure, it followed some of Mareks. At first, I thought it had injured it's leg, then by that evening, it wasn't moving - no outward sign of physical trauma or broken bones. The other possibility is that it did have a fall and injured itself. It's breathing had been labored the last two days and today it sounded congested. It could be that pneumonia set in because of its inactivity. Not too sure.... Just keeping an eye out of the rest. So far they are all healthy, robust and loving their ability to free range. Kept them in today as we had several thunderstorms move through and high winds. They'll be back out tomorrow.

The lavender guineas are stunning. Our neighbor has a few mixed in with the pearls. Thanks for sharing pictures.
Just an update on the sick one... I lost him this afternoon.  We both gave it a good fight. 

I did check out the symptoms on line and although I can't be sure, it followed some of Mareks.  At first, I thought it had injured it's leg, then by that evening, it wasn't moving - no outward sign of physical trauma or broken bones.  The other possibility is that it did have a fall and injured itself.  It's breathing had been labored the last two days and today it sounded congested.  It could be that pneumonia set in because of its inactivity.  Not too sure.... Just keeping an eye out of the rest.  So far they are all healthy, robust and loving their ability to free range.  Kept them in today as we had several thunderstorms move through and high winds.  They'll be back out tomorrow.

The lavender guineas are stunning.  Our neighbor has a few mixed in with the pearls.  Thanks for sharing pictures. 

Poor baby. :( so sorry he didnt make it but always worth a try to let them try. That is all you can do. Nature, afterall, would not have even given him half the chance.

I wonder if I am doing right by baby. If he doesn't recover function of his leg then what?? The flock may turn to pecking on him. Cant known the future so take it day by day.
Just an update on the sick one... I lost him this afternoon. We both gave it a good fight.

I did check out the symptoms on line and although I can't be sure, it followed some of Mareks. At first, I thought it had injured it's leg, then by that evening, it wasn't moving - no outward sign of physical trauma or broken bones. The other possibility is that it did have a fall and injured itself. It's breathing had been labored the last two days and today it sounded congested. It could be that pneumonia set in because of its inactivity. Not too sure.... Just keeping an eye out of the rest. So far they are all healthy, robust and loving their ability to free range. Kept them in today as we had several thunderstorms move through and high winds. They'll be back out tomorrow.

The lavender guineas are stunning. Our neighbor has a few mixed in with the pearls. Thanks for sharing pictures.
I'm so sorry you lost him. He was definately a fighter and you never gave up on him. I'm happy the rest of the group is doing so good with their free rangeing. I hope they get all your ticks.

Cant see that. Is this guy opaline? I thought he was a jumbo or french. He is daddy to all my babies but not one is like him. They are all pied or black with white dots. The other daddy was solid white. None of him either.

Both died nobly at the hands of coons. I would like to buy some but dont know my varieties.
Their beautiful I love those colors. Thanks for sharing their pics.

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