Guinea talk.

Thank you for your kind words, Patti. We gave it a good try. I don't know how many ticks the flock is eating though. They just seem to stay in one area in the tall grass. I can't see them, but I can hear their soft chucks. They're having a good time for sure! I'm thinking they'll start to widen their range as they gain confidence and get a lay of the land. At least they're not running up the hill and off the property like Henry! BTW - he's still with us. I go back and forth on if he's good overall for the flock. He likes to pick off 3-5 (mostly females) and create his own flock. Not to sure if I like that and then he bullies about 3 other males on a regular basis. He seems to ignore the rest and they ignore him.

Charid - good luck with nursing your little one. I think as long as they are eating and drinking and are able to be a part of the flock, you're good to go.
Your welcome Rhonda I know what it is like to lose one that you have cared for so long.

That is so funny that you can't see them but you can hear them in the weeds. I've read that they go down rows and clear the bugs and come back up the other side. They move in like one big unit.

Spider started limping and I brought him in the house to look at it. I stood him on the bathroom counter and he stood on his good leg and I bent his leg at the knee and he stood there while I looked at his foot.He doesn't have a cut on it and I couldn't see anything wrong. I washed it with disinfectant soap and put some neosporin on it. I hope it's just a stone bruise or something. He is such a sweetheart standing there on one leg while I worked on his foot.
Oh dear, Patti... I hope Spiderman is okay. Is he doing better today? Let's hope it's just a bruise. How well you have worked with him so he is comfortable standing on one leg while you treat him. That makes it a bit easier....
Spiderman is still limping. I have some clear iodine I think I'm going to put that on his foot and see if that helps. He can still run when he wants to but he's limping when he does.

I wish we get a break in this weather. It's 89 but with the humidity it feels like 99. We got a little bit of rain and it made it worse.
My baby monitor finally came in handy last night. It was dark when I locked every one up last night because I was chasing a broody guinea hen off her nest in the woods. i didn't have a flashlight but I heard peepping in the outdoor brooder so I locked it up. 1230 I awoke to soft peepping noises. No distress but still unusual so I got a flashlight and went outside. 7 2-week guinea keets were running around outside the brooder and run trying to figure out how to get in. They must have been under it rather than in it when I locked it. I gathered them up and put them in. We were all relieved I was able to get them to safety before anything found them. I haven't had any predators come around at night in a few weeks but I know it'll happen again sooner or later.
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I have been reluctant to put my keets out in the add on. Its 110 heat index. An unforecasted torrential downpour occurred yesterday morning to noon and now again on sunday monday and tuesday. They are going into the add on matter what.. but i just dont trust my carpentry skills or believe it is 100% predator proof. Working on it now. Taking a break. Hot.
I have been reluctant to put my keets out in the add on. Its 110 heat index. An unforecasted torrential downpour occurred yesterday morning to noon and now again on sunday monday and tuesday. They are going into the add on matter what.. but i just dont trust my carpentry skills or believe it is 100% predator proof. Working on it now. Taking a break. Hot.
any pics?
My baby monitor finally came in handy last night. It was dark when I locked every one up last night because I was chasing a broody guinea hen off her nest in the woods. i didn't have a flashlight but I heard peepping in the outdoor brooder so I locked it up. 1230 I awoke to soft peepping noises. No distress but still unusual so I got a flashlight and went outside. 7 2-week guinea keets were running around outside the brooder and run trying to figure out how to get in. They must have been under it rather than in it when I locked it. I gathered them up and put them in. We were all relieved I was able to get them to safety before anything found them. I haven't had any predators come around at night in a few weeks but I know it'll happen again sooner or later.
Well I'm glad you found them and a predator didn't. Be prepared if the predators hit at night they will be back sooner or later. Build your coop and run like Fort Knox.

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