Guinea talk.

Good evening everyone! Hope today found you all predator free.

Sun - I'm glad that you ended up shooting that fox - certainly put it out of its misery from the sound of things. Can't wait to hear and see all your hatchlings, Sun. I'm sure they will be as beautiful as the others you have posted throughout the summer. And thanks for the tip on the walnut tree. We probably wouldn't have put in one of those as they tend to "poison" the ground around it and can cause plants not to grow. I know the dust from the wood is toxic to breathe as well, but it is absolutely beautiful wood in color and grain.

Guineapeeps thanks for the directions on making the carrier for momma and nest out of the tub. I made one up to have on hand. I have a hen, Ella (from Cinderella - she has two "white" feet like glass slippers) who went broody on me! Go figure! I thought I was safe until spring. I knew the general area she was in, but couldn't locate her. She's been out for two nights in the grass. Today I spotted her off the nest and could see the general area, so I went to check it out, leave water and food and see if it might be possible to move her, but I don't know where I would move her to! The barn is getting up to 104 degrees! Very discouraging - we do one thing and end up having to do 5 more things in order to get the one thing to work! So - I can't wait for trees to grow and don't want to put thousands of dollars into them, and decided an alternative is to put in an air conditioner. Yup! Now we are putting in an air conditioner in the barn / coop. Okay, so back to momma. I think she was upset by me putting down the food and water, even though I didn't touch the nest or make contact with her. There hasn't been a papa around at all like some of you have mentioned. Prince Charming isn't so Charming in this case. I've gone out twice to find her and she hasn't been on the eggs. I wonder if she decided to abandon and move somewhere else? We have been in the 90's the past two days, maybe she thinks she can take a break with temperatures that warm. Oh... I'll keep you all posted on the Guinea Fowl Soap Opera here at Glenn Lee. One more thing - I love your Avatars. Did you actually get them to pose for you?

Patti - how is your foot doing? I hope you didn't break anything or pull ligaments. Very painful! Seriously, a good soak with Epsom salts would do you good. And eat one of those ice cream cones you saved while you were falling with the groceries. It will make you feel better. So sorry to hear that you didn't like the book - I think I mentioned I listened to it as an audiobook, so I'm sure it was different listening than reading. I will have to watch the movie. Let me know what kind of books or authors you like to read and we can share titles. As for Helen, I appreciate your concern. She's been hobbling along and going out with the flock again. I think she's improved somewhat and it's just going to flair up once in a while. Right after I last posted, I witnessed her being mounted by Sargent Fields. I'm wondering if that's what's causing her recent issue. Maybe she's being mounted a lot and can't take the extra weight. That could account for the wing nipping too. All my girls are looking pretty haggard. That's the price they pay for being in the minority here. Another two weeks and they'll get a bit of a reprieve with the 4 new gals being added.

Have a good evening, everyone!
Good evening everyone!  Hope today found you all predator free. 

Sun - I'm glad that you ended up shooting that fox - certainly put it out of its misery from the sound of things.  Can't wait to hear and see all your hatchlings, Sun. I'm sure they will be as beautiful as the others you have posted throughout the summer.  And thanks for the tip on the walnut tree.  We probably wouldn't have put in one of those as they tend to "poison" the ground around it and can cause plants not to grow.  I know the dust from the wood is toxic to breathe as well, but it is absolutely beautiful wood in color and grain. 

Guineapeeps thanks for the directions on making the carrier for momma and nest out of the tub.  I made one up to have on hand.  I have a hen, Ella (from Cinderella - she has two "white" feet like glass slippers) who went broody on me!  Go figure!  I thought I was safe until spring.  I knew the general area she was in, but couldn't locate her.  She's been out for two nights in the grass.  Today I spotted her off the nest and could see the general area, so I went to check it out, leave water and food and see if it might be possible to move her, but I don't know where I would move her to!  The barn is getting up to 104 degrees!  Very discouraging - we do one thing and end up having to do 5 more things in order to get the one thing to work!  So - I can't wait for trees to grow and don't want to put thousands of dollars into them, and decided an alternative is to put in an air conditioner.  Yup!  Now we are putting in an air conditioner in the barn / coop.  Okay, so back to momma.  I think she was upset by me putting down the food and water, even though I didn't touch the nest or make contact with her.  There hasn't been a papa around at all like some of you have mentioned.  Prince Charming isn't so Charming in this case.  I've gone out twice to find her and she hasn't been on the eggs.  I wonder if she decided to abandon and move somewhere else?  We have been in the 90's the past two days, maybe she thinks she can take a break with temperatures that warm.  Oh... I'll keep you all posted on the Guinea Fowl Soap Opera here at Glenn Lee.  One more thing - I love your Avatars.  Did you actually get them to pose for you?

Patti - how is your foot doing?  I hope you didn't break anything or pull ligaments.  Very painful!  Seriously, a good soak with Epsom salts would do you good.  And eat one of those ice cream cones you saved while you were falling with the groceries.  It will make you feel better.  So sorry to hear that you didn't like the book - I think I mentioned I listened to it as an audiobook, so I'm sure it was different listening than reading.  I will have to watch the movie.  Let me know what kind of books or authors you like to read and we can share titles.  As for Helen, I appreciate your concern.  She's been hobbling along and going out with the flock again.  I think she's improved somewhat and it's just going to flair up once in a while.  Right after I last posted, I witnessed her being mounted by Sargent Fields.  I'm wondering if that's what's causing her recent issue.  Maybe she's being mounted a lot and can't take the extra weight.  That could account for the wing nipping too.  All my girls are looking pretty haggard.  That's the price they pay for being in the minority here.  Another two weeks and they'll get a bit of a reprieve with the 4 new gals being added. 

Have a good evening, everyone!   

Good luck with your hens and hatchings! I have a few younger hens that get off of their nests for long periods of time, like yours. They seem to get better and don't do it as much as they get older and more experienced, but until then they seem to have a lower hatch rate. One of my 1 year old hens did this and only hatched 6 out of 25 eggs. As for the container/carrier nesting box and moving them off a hidden nest, it doesn't always work for me. I'd say I'm successful with it about 75% of the time. I tried to move one of my younger broody guinea hens yesterday and she completely abandoned the nest and eggs. It's a tough call weather to allow them to lay on a nest where a predator can get them or take your chances to see if she survives until the eggs hatch. I usually lean toward protecting the hen.
I wish my Guineas would pose for pictures. I took a bunch of pictures of them and my daughter, who has too much to on her hands, photo shopped them, so I have a big collection of funny guinea pictures for almost every occasion and/or holiday!
Thanks for the luck wishes! I went in to check on the eggs early this morning, and no Ella... I think she abandoned this one and went to look for an area that was more secluded - where I couldn't find her! Like you guineapeeps, I would tend to do what is needed to keep the hens safe, but I guess that decision has been taken out of my hands at this point. I collected her eggs and two were broken, but these remained. She was a busy gal! With all these randy gents, it's like Peyton Place here! Probably Prince Charming is having his way with poor hop-a-long Helen at this point. Thanks everyone for sharing ideas and I'll keep you all posted on the accounts of the maternity ward - if I happen to find Ella again. Your daughter did a great job with the Avatar photos. You could do a monthly calendar - it reminds me of the Shih Tzu calendar poses from the movie "Best in Show".

Rhonda it does sound like you have a little Peyton Place going there. Ella starting the maternity ward is so funny. Shes just a teenager and she should enjoy life before becoming a mom. Thats more eggs then Mary Jane has laid in her life. Her last two eggs she laid on the front porch. I guess she wants to make sure I found them. She is still trying to get Spiderman to go in the bush with her but he won't go. He just stands there calling her. I still haven't seen him mate with her but there are plenty of times I'm not out in the yard so who knows.

My toe is almost healed. I still have a small bruise but it is fading fast. I need to remember to pick my foot up higher the curb is taller now after 28 years of a low curb it's going to take some getting used too.

Sun did your hen hatch any babies yet? I can't wait to see her and the babies. I'm glad you got a buyer for the babies you are lucky.

Guineapeeps I love that advitar it is too funny. I wish I had photo shop I can only image Spiderman with a head of hair and Mary Jane with a bikini on.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
Urgent question. This has never happened before. The young birds were out with the older birds. They had never wandered too far until today. I have seen the older babies chase the young ones further and further into the field until they were all spread out. They had gone very far today. I could hear them when I came home. At 745 pm it was near dark in these trees and I know they could not see in the tall weeds in this light. I heard them hunkered down in the weeds about 1/4 mile down driveway on the right of road. I cannot imagine a single one making it through the night on the ground like that. Has anyone ever had their birds not make it home? I am just worried but at the same time disgusted. How could they be so stupid?? I'm so confused. Why couldn't they make it home before dark?? Could they have gotten turned around?? Does that happen?? So confused.
Urgent question. This has never happened before. The young birds were out with the older birds. They had never wandered too far until today. I have seen the older babies chase the young ones further and further into the field until they were all spread out. They had gone very far today. I could hear them when I came home. At 745 pm it was near dark in these trees and I know they could not see in the tall weeds in this light. I heard them hunkered down in the weeds about 1/4 mile down driveway on the right of road. I cannot imagine a single one making it through the night on the ground like that. Has anyone ever had their birds not make it home? I am just worried but at the same time disgusted. How could they be so stupid?? I'm so confused. Why couldn't they make it home before dark?? Could they have gotten turned around?? Does that happen?? So confused.

Most likely they are lost or acetates to come back because of being chased. If they're in the weeds the odds are not in their favor. I would go get them, if I were you.
Urgent question. This has never happened before. The young birds were out with the older birds. They had never wandered too far until today. I have seen the older babies chase the young ones further and further into the field until they were all spread out. They had gone very far today. I could hear them when I came home. At 745 pm it was near dark in these trees and I know they could not see in the tall weeds in this light. I heard them hunkered down in the weeds about 1/4 mile down driveway on the right of road. I cannot imagine a single one making it through the night on the ground like that. Has anyone ever had their birds not make it home? I am just worried but at the same time disgusted. How could they be so stupid?? I'm so confused. Why couldn't they make it home before dark?? Could they have gotten turned around?? Does that happen?? So confused.

Once it gets dark, they are completely useless. My guess is that they roamed a little too far and when it started to get dark, they got disoriented and decided to just hunker down for the night. I had some baby keets that were just a week old when a coyote chased them in to the corn at dusk. I looked long into the night but didn't find them. The next morning, 5 little keets were waiting outside the coop. I was amazed that they made it all night at such a young age. There is hope that they will be OK, but if you have a lot of predators in your area you may want to go out there with a flashlight and round them toward the coop. (I've done this before just takes a lot of running and quick maneuvering to get them in!) Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Yea well I did what common sense would otherwise tell me not to do. I went after them like an idiot. I heard them. I shined the truck lights into the weeds. Amazingly all heads were present. I went in to get them and they scattered into the darkness. So now after knowing, because I have actually done it instead of postulating, my advice to anyone else is to leave them be. Hunkered down together sure beats the odds of them scattering deep into the woods separated and alone. It's wet and cold af. I screwed up royally and am beyond p***Ed. I am done with asking for advise. The best advise, these birds arent pets. Leave them to be. If they didn't come home it was for a reason and if they do the next day, then great and consider yourself lucky. Ciao.
Yea well I did what common sense would otherwise tell me not to do. I went after them like an idiot. I heard them. I shined the truck lights into the weeds. Amazingly all heads were present. I went in to get them and they scattered into the darkness. So now after knowing, because I have actually done it instead of postulating, my advice to anyone else is to leave them be. Hunkered down together sure beats the odds of them scattering deep into the woods separated and alone. It's wet and cold af. I screwed up royally and am beyond p***Ed. I am done with asking for advise. The best advise, these birds arent pets. Leave them to be. If they didn't come home it was for a reason and if they do the next day, then great and consider yourself lucky. Ciao.

I should have mentioned not to shine light in them. That is why they scattered. I have collected them in the dark but your shine the light for a second to figure out where they are then go after them in the dark.
Yea well I did what common sense would otherwise tell me not to do. I went after them like an idiot. I heard them. I shined the truck lights into the weeds. Amazingly all heads were present. I went in to get them and they scattered into the darkness. So now after knowing, because I have actually done it instead of postulating, my advice to anyone else is to leave them be. Hunkered down together sure beats the odds of them scattering deep into the woods separated and alone. It's wet and cold af. I screwed up royally and am beyond p***Ed. I am done with asking for advise. The best advise, these birds arent pets. Leave them to be. If they didn't come home it was for a reason and if they do the next day, then great and consider yourself lucky. Ciao.

I too, should have been more specific about the amount of light used. I take just a flashlight and shine it on a limited area of where I want to herd them and turn it off when they don't go where I want them to, as they seem to be paralyzed in complete darkness. I'm certainly no expert and only say what has worked for me. I'm sorry that my advise did not work out for you. I hope your Guineas are OK today.

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