Guinea talk.

Mine do the same Glenlee, to me it almost sounds like they are saying "who me?" And i would talk to them constantly as keets and they would make it specially if they did something naughty like dumping their waterer and food and momma caught them. Still to this day they make it, my boys more then the girls. Charlie is most famous for it specially when i am getting cuddles from him. While getting an earful from Blue, Echo and Delta and the other girls. They hate it when I have him because he is the top dog, Blue will charge him but backs down instantly when Charlie has had enough of his shenanigans.

It's fun to watch them posture toward each other. They act all tough and go in for the dive and rush and then back off. Then the one who they were dive bombing does a jump up, puffs out its chest and shakes its feathers to make itself look like a big bad dude! Shenanigans is a good word for it!
Heres a concerned question.
Ive noticed this passed week Zelda one of the new girls has lost her voice completely, she tried to call and its so sad she cant. Could she have a cold? Her nose isnt running and she looks alert just cannot call.

I've never had that happen to one of mine. Sometimes they have sounded more like a goose, but they have always been able to call out. Does she try to and can't? Is she able to make any sound at all? Has she been injured lately, in an area that could affect her vocal chords? Maybe someone else has had this experience?
Heres a concerned question.
Ive noticed this passed week Zelda one of the new girls has lost her voice completely, she tried to call and its so sad she cant. Could she have a cold? Her nose isnt running and she looks alert just cannot call.

I have a little hen, Pip, that has the same thing, except she has not had a voice in over a year now. She broke her foot when she was about a month old. She is now 3 years old and keeps up with the others ok. At first I worried about her voice, but I figured it was the least of her problems and I thought it would resolve in a week or so. Now, a year later, although she tries to squawk a lot, no sound comes out. She seems perfectly healthy otherwise, so I have stopped worrying about It. I do have to mention that she didn't lay any eggs last year which was about the time she lost her voice, but I wouldn't think they are related. (Luckily, one of my other hens let her help parent some keets, so she didn't miss out on having little ones!)
Are guineas for meat and eggs, or more for one.

I got my guineas mostly for pest control. They love to eat ticks, grasshoppers, crickets, etc., so they are great for acreage and gardens where bugs are a problem. I sometimes use guinea eggs for baking....they have a really rich flavor. I've heard that some people will eat guineas, but mine have become more like pets, so I couldn't bring myself to do that!
Are guineas for meat and eggs, or more for one.

My flock is for pest control as well. We do eat the eggs; they are a bit smaller than a small chicken egg with a tough shell. Guinea fowl is available as a meat choice in high end restaurants and the French Jumbos are used for that purpose since they were developed by the French specifically as a fast growing meat bird.
Got some pics of the guineas.

I heard one guinea make three different noises.




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