Guineas, Male and Female Comparison Pics...

I was told the males called out "Pot rack, Pot rack". You said your females called out "come back, come back". Have I been given a bum steer?

I am seriously considering trying to find some keets if I can find some close that I can afford. If I pick out keets, any tips on how to not get all males?

Before I get any, I've got to do a better snake-proofing job on my brooder area (found that out the hard way today), which I thought was fairly secure.

Jordan, I miss them, too. Can't believe I'm still saying that, but every time I look at pics of them, I get a lump in my throat. Even my DH misses them.

The female call just always sounded more like "Come back!" to me, LOL, just an interpretation. As long as it's two syllables, you're good! As far as sexing as keets, good luck with that. Someone told me if a keet has its head in the air, yelling its head off, it was probably a girl, but I can't verify that. They were probably joking.​
I agree with Speckledhen mine hollers Come Back- Come Back.
I have 14 guinea eggs in the bator as of today. First time with my wild child eggs. :pGuineas are meaner:( ( to my other chickens) than any roo I ever had.
The males make a one syllable screechy sound. The females make the two syllable sound that some folks call "potrack", other call it "buckwheat". The best way I've found to tell them apart is just to watch how they behave. Males will chase one another, bumping chest and just generally being men
If you have them locked up for the night then you can seperate them easier by sound.
That's funny..... I know this is an older post.... but I was searching on sexing Guineas when I found this post and looking at the pics I was thinking the exact same thing!!!!! (And why evolution would make them the way it did

I think I will re-watch the movie to find some good names for my 3 new Guineas

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