Guineas or Pheasents?

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Jun 21, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
I want to raise guineas or pheasents. The pros of guineas are that they can be free ranged, and will eat the tick and things that are the biggest problem here. They will also pick ya horse manure and such. I like guineas because they are all such an array of different colors.

the cons are that they lay a lot of eggs I don’t know what I would do with them, they’re bigger than pheasents and if I wanted to keep them in a pen some of the time they would require more feed for a large flock. They would probably scare the cat to.

pros of pheasents- they are small so they eat less, don’t lay lots of eggs, can be kept in smaller numbers, and are pretty

cons- they have to be kept in a pen, they can be aggressive, and the cat would probably try to eat them. (shes an outdoor cat)
Guineas lay eggs seasonally. You can always just feed the eggs back to the guineas or your other birds or even your cat.

If they aren’t free ranged they would require more food and I’m guessing the same in the winter since bug pickings would be slim.

Are you trying to get them for meat? Guineas are pretty “small” they only get around 1.5 to 3.5 pounds.

I love guineas so I would get guineas. But for savings I would probably get pheasants although I’ve never had any.

Guineas are also pretty loud.
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