Gun enthusiasts anything from Hunting to target shooters.

I waterfowl hunt and we shoot pigeons some times too. The videos you see on the internet are nothing I have ever experienced. They don't decoy well, IMO, and the best way to kill them is with good lead #6 and a sure aim. You got to have a farmer that is tired of them and lets you in the barn yard. They trust us from hunting their farms and when they dump silage along the resting sheds and the pigeons pour in to land on the roof and we tear them up. You need to fire the guns straight up and fire a few rounds to condition the cows and make they are fine with it.

Got to make sure you are far enough away from the cows to not eject a shell in the loafing shed. Farmers say they are dumb enough to eat one and would have to be put down if it will not pass.
thanks for the pellet size, had no idea what size to use for pigeons, and yes this farmer wants them gone, told us to kill them all if we could haha.
I don't care for bear meat, but I love venison. Just my personal preference.
i have never had bear meat so am quite interested in trying it.

a good friend of mine recommends smoking the meat low and slow over a long time, says its really good.

also same guy says depends on the bear it can be awful or good all depends what it was feeding on. :)
planning to go spring bear hunting in about 2 weeks time, just bought a marlin 336 in 30-30 for bear hunting in the bush. (also to use it for white tail hunting maybe mule deer as well)
Look up Hornady Leverevolution rounds. I have a marlin 30-30 also and its deadly with iron sight at 10o yards. 150 and its dropping enough I am not comfortable shooting at animals. It chnaged the range from 100 to 200 yards.
A couple of months ago I lost my precious Gladys to a fox and just prior I lost a couple of other birds. I hadn't lost a bird to a predator in several years. I do blame myself for loosing Gladys but not the other two because they were locked in their coop and pen. Somehow a gate was opened. When I discovered that two birds were missing and then found the piles of feathers, I wired the gates shut. I have a piece of wire on the inside on the gate that was opened and the gate opens out so the wire is always on the inside of the gate. Well the next morning I discovered the gate had been messed with again and somehow the wire that was on the inside of the gate was now on the outside of it. The predator had to put a good force to the gate to get it past the wire. I had been seeing a fox lurking around that coop and pen on a game camera. Unfortunately the nights in question it was foggy so I couldn't see the gate but the fox did get close enough to the camera that I saw it. I have been seeing it quite a bit, well no more. I got it with the .22. It wanted some more chicken.
Look up Hornady Leverevolution rounds. I have a marlin 30-30 also and its deadly with iron sight at 10o yards. 150 and its dropping enough I am not comfortable shooting at animals. It chnaged the range from 100 to 200 yards.
thank you, i looked into them but there not cheap here in canada, like there 55 dollars for 20 bullets where i live, compared to 25 for 20 bullets in normal hunting rounds. still i want to get some but they where out of stock. so i bought some Winchester ammo said it was good for deer and black bear.

mine was also the scope combo,

but how do you like your marlin 30-30?

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