Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

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Kinda felt that way about the last administration, but the current admin is fixing all that slowly but surely.

And America has always been a mix between socialism and capitalism. Just think about that next time you mail a letter or send your kids to a publicly financed school system.
I'm a sane man and I have at least 20 guns. some for target practice, most for hunting and some for personal protection. I don't understand how you can make a blanket judgment call about a person based on how many guns they own.
Also I have friends that only own one gun and they also get worked up over people trying to take away their rights. Whats next freedom of speech.

Don't worry. Your freedom of speech will be protected as long as you don't have more than 20 opinions or original ideas. After all, if you have more than 20 ideas, you might be a wack-a-do. Just kidding. Sorry.

Oh god, their gonna lock me up for that one too
Being alone in the 'country' is sometimes a scary feeling. If someone were to break in no one would hear me scream if there was an intruder in my house. Yes I have a phone to call the police and even one in the attic if I had to run and hide up there. BUT what if the intruder cuts the phone line? My cell phone is downstairs! I feel much better that I have a trusty gun close by. No pervert is going to do unspeakable things to me for hours or days. If I die because he gets a shot off before I do then so be it. Death is better than the alternative.

I've also told my parents that if someone tries to abduct me I'm not going!! If someone says 'get in the car or I'm going to kill you' I'm telling that person to kill me now because I won't get into the car.

Just my thought. Hope nothing like this happens to anyone but we all know there are bad people out there.
I think children who are raised with hunters get very good gun ed. Ours do. We keep one of our guns loaded at all times and they are not locked in anything. They are in my closet and I can tell you without a doubt that my kids won't touch it for fear of their lives....from myself and my DH. They won't even open my closet door. My oldest daughter has her own rifle and hunts too. She is even more careful than my DH. Children and guns can co-exist as long as the parents responsibly teach the kids gun safety. I don"t even allow my children to play with toy guns! That is crazy to me. Guns are NOT toys and never should be treated as such IMO.

You can pull over just about anyone here and there will be a gun on the person or in their vehicle. Lots of people here carry them everywhere. I personally think taking a gun into a bar would crazy....guns and booze don't mix -

My MIL carries a glock with her everywhere. To work, to walmart, out to dinner, anywhere she goes......

We are wackadoos from wayyy back
It's going to help the situation.

If you pull your gun out in an attempt to intimidate the guy, are you going to make him stop, or are you going to make yourself target?

I wouldn't pull my gun out to intimidate. That's a good way to get shot. If my gun comes out, it's going to be promptly fired. Again, evidence of a lack of education on your part. You've watched too much TV.

Plus, if you do shoot him, you are more than likely going to be spending some time in jail and later court facing criminal charges and possibly jail time whether you believe it was justified or not.

Where do you get your information? Self-defense is still allowed in every state in the country.

Please, please, educate yourselves about guns. Most of you are spouting off about something you know little if anything about. Your contempt for lawful gun ownership and concealed carry is fueled by fear that is fostered by ignorance. If you had not grown up with cars being common place, you would be deathly afraid to drive. Knowledge is a wonderful and powerful thing. Getcha some!

I do not need a crystal ball or a law degree to project what I foresee in the very near future. As times become tougher and the “wack-a-doodles” out there try to convince you that everyone else out there is dangerous and that the “other” is after you….

I foresee more shooting incidents at shopping malls, restaurants, campus’ and last but not least…good old home style violence against women and children…with a suicide note left behind saying….I have no job, no money and I am losing my home…I am a failure, and I am going to end it all and take my family with me.” Hooyah!

Why just yesterday a guy shot up a ladies gym. Why because people go crazy, they take “safe” tranquilizers prescribed as “safe” from drug companies who want to make unparalleled profits at any price. To make those who are already “carrying” truly paranoid does not take much.

Wooooh! Ah feel better!
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Heeler and chickens.....
Only carry a gun when banking or out at night or in a bad part of town????!!! Two years ago in Cheshire Connecticut two thugs just out of jail invaded a home in an exclusive neighborhood. They tied two teenage daughters to their beds, tied up the mom and dad. When they left the house they started it on fire. Only dad survived. I can't say more to you because I'll get kicked off the forum.
people with mental problems are denied owning or getting a permit for handguns....... so those you are talking about obtained their guns illegally anyways. Education is the key to understanding gun ownership.

PS, look at the states where there is an open carry law where EVERYONE is allowed to openly carry a firearm!!! The crime statistics for those areas are much lower.
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