Guys and gals... MY NEIGHBOR IS CRAZY!!!! She's the real predator!

I’m sitting here not over think it. What she really needs is just a bit of your time, that’s all. It doesn’t take much to be a good neighbor or show alittle care and concern. Buying a pet for her...naw. Having her feed your pets...really not such a good idea.
To me it’s kinda sad when I know I’m the only human contact for a lot of these people. They KNOW when you genuinely care vs. just doing your job.
Simple things calling her by her name or just listening and making eye contact.

Don’t get me wrong there are times when you need to pump the breaks and hit the
Next exit ramp...
I mean I know a lady who feeds her cats Doritos! Okay~
It truly doesn’t take much to make a difference.
Your not supposed to feed cats Doritos ? :oops:
Your not supposed to feed cats Doritos ? :oops:
:lau Well....not when you put it out on the porch and call it feed. Bless my husband he doesn’t say one word about all the animals I feed :oops:
I have one place where the goats jump in my truck then 6 chickens and 7 ducks come running then the dogs and the cats...I carry water by the gallons in my truck. I’m seriously thinking of changing my name here at BYC.
You guys need to stop picking on the old lady!! She is just lonely, which reminds me of a segment I saw about older people and loneliness. A lot of them says they would just go to the grocery store so that they can encounter passing strangers to talk to and that is how they make their day..... talking to random strangers. The lady on the show, it was soo sad, she seems normal and quite intelligent but suffers from loneliness and her tears were falling when she spoke of it. So, please give this old lady a break..... let her know exactly how you feel and what needs to stop, old people sometimes have a hard time getting 'clues'.

I agree she is likely lonely. Maybe has some other issues-not being there, we are only getting one side of the story. Certainly, i don’t think that calling any authority is warranted at this time. However, this is a tough situation, and the older lady was already going on about the dead predator having the right to live to the landlord. This neighbor could escalate things in a negative way or not.

It’s really tough for all the rest of us non-neighbors to really know the details. I’ve had difficult neighbors, so can empathize with OP. I’ve had good friends who’ve had to take their neighbor to court so the judge could essentially and formally tell those difficult neighbors to act like reasonable adults and to not do X, Y, or Z (and the difficulties spanned years). And I’ve had lonely older neighbors, who were thankfully not suffering from dementia, and yes, they love company. We had one old widower living in a 4-unit (1br each) building next door to us. He loved to have our company, but we were very busy with work/grad school/kids, but we would visit about every 4 weeks and my spouse would cut his hair and we would all chat. He loved that little bit of company.
in respond to what you were saying. Animals are mindless and they're just creature that involved from evolution. Humans are the master race. Animals only love themselves and only have bonds because they rely on you to feed them. Only someone who was misinformed would believe otherwise. That's not meant to be in insult but that's just the science and reality of nature. Animals can only think 5 seconds into the future and it's generally geared to their self development and further progression on the evolutionary charts. When people don't realize that sometimes people are just convinced of what they know. What was that better?
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Not that that would/will stop the speculation.
And I want to point out that in the posts I commented they maybe she wasn't meaning any harm and I couldn't really be upset or complain about what she was doing when she's going through whatever she was going through.
It's probably hard to keep up with a long thread but I'm definitely giving he a break and trying to be understanding and I said that earlier in the posts

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