Guys and gals... MY NEIGHBOR IS CRAZY!!!! She's the real predator!

Maybe give her a big fat goldfish? For a friend for the house? And/or some scratch grains and tell let her give the chickens a tiny bit a day?
I like the idea of giving her scratch grains to feed the chickens if she would cooperate and not over feed them. (also if you converse with her, talk her into naming the chickens even if they chickens already have names, it might help her out a bit)
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You guys need to stop picking on the old lady!! She is just lonely, which reminds me of a segment I saw about older people and loneliness. A lot of them says they would just go to the grocery store so that they can encounter passing strangers to talk to and that is how they make their day..... talking to random strangers. The lady on the show, it was soo sad, she seems normal and quite intelligent but suffers from loneliness and her tears were falling when she spoke of it. So, please give this old lady a break..... let her know exactly how you feel and what needs to stop, old people sometimes have a hard time getting 'clues'.
I agree, and don't call DNR, police, or any other agency on her.
I also was going to mention getting her a pet. A parakeet maybe if she dont /isnt allowed cats. I have to feel pity for her. I know it sounds crazy and will never happen but if I had a chance to get a hawk close to me I would try too. I realize one would tear your arms up but how cool would that be ? Signed, bird lover from way back. LOL
A few years ago, I picked up a wild screech owl that was outside my house and held it on my arm. It was not injured. It was surreal.
Maybe give her a big fat goldfish? For a friend for the house? And/or some scratch grains and tell let her give the chickens a tiny bit a day?
I was thinking the same thing -- maybe a goldfish? But you're going to have to do a welfare check on that fish!

Mealworms or scratch, with a tiny scoop and instructions "only one scoop per day" would be ok. But how could you be sure that neighbor limited it one scoop, or knew what day it was?

Yes, you've got yourself a lonely neighbor, and she's definitely exhibiting some signs of dementia. If she's doing this in public, just imagine the private life? Is she remembering to turn the stove off? Has she backed her car into the fence a lot? Is she eating more than just Nutella and toast?

As much as she is *not* your problem, you share a space, she's impacting your chickens, and you want her behavior to change, so she kinda became your problem. A knock on her back door, with some mugs of tea, and the bag of mealworms, "Would you like drink tea with me, while I feed the chickens some treats?" might be a sanity saver.

I wish you the best of luck. :love
I was thinking the same thing -- maybe a goldfish? But you're going to have to do a welfare check on that fish!

Mealworms or scratch, with a tiny scoop and instructions "only one scoop per day" would be ok. But how could you be sure that neighbor limited it one scoop, or knew what day it was?

Yes, you've got yourself a lonely neighbor, and she's definitely exhibiting some signs of dementia. If she's doing this in public, just imagine the private life? Is she remembering to turn the stove off? Has she backed her car into the fence a lot? Is she eating more than just Nutella and toast?

As much as she is *not* your problem, you share a space, she's impacting your chickens, and you want her behavior to change, so she kinda became your problem. A knock on her back door, with some mugs of tea, and the bag of mealworms, "Would you like drink tea with me, while I feed the chickens some treats?" might be a sanity saver.

I wish you the best of luck. :love
I’m sitting here not over think it. What she really needs is just a bit of your time, that’s all. It doesn’t take much to be a good neighbor or show alittle care and concern. Buying a pet for her...naw. Having her feed your pets...really not such a good idea.
To me it’s kinda sad when I know I’m the only human contact for a lot of these people. They KNOW when you genuinely care vs. just doing your job.
Simple things calling her by her name or just listening and making eye contact.

Don’t get me wrong there are times when you need to pump the breaks and hit the
Next exit ramp...
I mean I know a lady who feeds her cats Doritos! Okay~
It truly doesn’t take much to make a difference.

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