Gypsy Vanner Horse Owners I need your knowledge

Just so beautiful!

the second to last pic is Midget from LexLin, right? He's the daddy of the little girl we just bought. I think he's gorgeous.
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Please, reread what I wrote, without adding your opinions. Nothing mystifying about watching a thread to learn. Once again Sellers and Unfold are your words....I am quite comfortable with my knowledge and ability to learn. Had my first horse at 2 am 50 now and still have them. So I can post where I see fit, give my opinions. What makes your diatribes more important?
All i know is..
I know nothing about horses..
And i've ALWAYS thought most horses were butt ugly... and i love all animals...
Honestly.. horses just turned me off and creeped me out.
BUT the first time i saw one these horses.. i fell in LOVE.
IF i ever would get a horse.. the ONLY horse i'd ever get is one of these. (or a little dwarf horse... but i dont really consider them horses..
So bash away all you want horse folks...
These horses are STUNNING! IMO
Georgialee, i'm sorry that folks are being rude to you..
I dont think that you need thicker skin at all. You are right in all you said.
And you have some GOOD taste in horses too!
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Seems like those in the minority opinion are always 'rude'.

But the minority opinion is - well, it depends where y'are. On other bulletin boards, the GV lovers are in the minority, and the conversation goes a little differently. Here, it's a different majority, and the critics are the 'mean' 'rude' ones - but they're also very clearly a very small minority - always a bad position to have on a bulletin board.

And for the record, I don't think anything 'rude' has been said at all - just an opinion not in favor, and explained why. I think the excessive anger at GV that I've seen elsewhere - is - misplaced too, and a little hypocritical. There's a wee bit of blarney in marketing ALL horse breeds. Well, sometimes not so wee....

1.) All breeds and types get their price hiked up when they're imported to another country.

2.) Genetic studies prove very few horse breeds are so very ancient as claimed (yes, even the ones most people insist are 'lost in the sands of time').

3.) In addition, MOST breeds have extremely humble origins. Many pony breeds started out as scrubby little critters in a coal mine, poorly regarded feral animals, or draft animals packing hundreds of pounds of ore across the mountains. The origin of most of the 'Arabians' that went into the Thoroughbred was - not Arabian. The root stock those horses were crossed on was described as 'devilish slow' and not terribly attractive. The first crossings of the two extremely different animals was 'erm....well....we can hide 'em back of the barn....' and it was only a lot of work afterwards that created the fast Thoroughbred.

So I don't go with the extreme excitement either for or against the breed, but I don't ever for any breed. I look at conformation, gaits, markup and price, and I call it like I see it, I have no 'blinded loyalty' to anything in this world, frankly, and I'm not a trend follower, I'm an analyzer. No matter what breed I'm looking at, I'm hunting for an INDIVIDUAL, an exceptional individual...that I feel suits me and what I need to do.

AND...even the most adamant detractors of the breed have to admit at some point, that it is a colorful, popular breed. I also think, quite frankly, that a few American GV breeders are doing a not so very shabby job of picking nice breeding stock and making a nice, attractive sturdy pet. For a lot of money, but frankly, some have a lot more to spend than others.
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May have to define the difference between rude and opinions.........WC is expressing HER opinion even some of us do not agree with her opinion but it is OK to disagree on the issues we will never agree on. She does have a point there that makes sense.

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