Had no idea that changing Car Insurance would......

I was with Geico, but for some reason when I got a new quote for re-newal it was higher, by a lot. Hubby and I have no tickets, no accidents nothing and he is retired military. They could not get it lower so I switched.
I had Allstate. I was paying 1800 a year for insurance on 2 vehicles. I had no tickets, no accidents, and I was the only driver. My parents also had Allstate and were in a serious wreck back in July (not their fault). It totalled their truck. Their agent told them their insurance would go up. I don't understand why theirs would go up...they were hit by a dummy that ran a stop sign with her kids in the car and then tried to flee the scene of the accident! Luckily a WV state trooper was coming out of the BP station when it happened and saw the whole thing. Anyway, back to the topic....The dummy that hit them had Erie Insurance. Their adjuster came out and talked to mom and dad (I just happened to be there) and I was so impressed with the courtesy (however it's spelled) he showed my parents, I decided to research them. They do no advertising on TV or in print. (Their agents can though) I got a quote online and my insurance for the exact same coverage I had with Allstate was only 1014 for a year. I went to the local agent and switched immediately. When I got there and signed everything, my insurance actually ended up only being 960 for the year. I got a discount for the online quote. I love it...I can pay my bill online (no charge to do so), my agent actually acknowledged me at Christmas. Allstate never did.

I think you are doing right by contacting the Insurance Commissioner. It sounds like that agent was running some kind of scam.
I can't believe how much trouble you are going through! I had similar issues with Metlife Insurance.
Nothing but issues! When I moved in with DH, we combined policies via Mercury Insurance. They are wonderful! We have sold cars, bought cars, had claims (one accident at fault and one tire tread from a diesel on the freeway), etc., NO issues. They are quick to help out and our agent is easy to get a hold of if we have any questions.
When I turned 18 and had to pay for my own car insurance, my mom recommended this 'pal' of hers who was an agent. She always messed things up but the insurance was cheap so I let it go.

Then, all of a sudden my insurance goes up from 113 a month to 155 a month. I have had no accidents, no claims at all, and the price jumps this much without a word from my agent. All she would say is its the best price she can get and she shopped around a lot for me.

So I call another insurance company and get BETTER coverage for 118 a month. I checked with my agent and told her I was switching and asked how much notice they needed. She said if I faxed her something stating I want my insurance policy cancelled on that date, it would get done and I would actually be given some money back since I had paid too much into the policy already. I thought that was great, faxed her the stuff and emailed her a bunch to confirm she had got it and all was well.

Then, onthe first of the month, my new insurance AND my old insurance goes out of my account on the same day. I was overdrawn by 30 bucks and my bank charged me a 50 dollar overdraft fee (which was totally not cool on my banks part) My old agent wouldnt return my calls or emails so I took it to the actual insurance company, asking for a refund of the 50 dollars since I had documented proof the agent promised me I would not be charged for another month and my policy was cancelled. They then tell me I owe THEM money to the tune of 150 dollars.

The agent finally responded to me after I sent her a no-more nonsense email and told me she would be forwarding the info to her manager. I called the manager, never heard back either.

My Dad just got insurance with the same agency, with the same insurance company. His agent was from another office and was great.

Some people don't deserve their jobs.
AllState thinks I am the devil......
I had Allstate from the time I started paying my own insurance, learned a few lessons from my parents misfortunes and carried full coverage including uninsured motorists on my vehicles regardless of age of vehicle. I was hit head on by an idiot that had no license, no insurance, no current tag. I had to sue Allstate for my UIM coverage, I won. I always made payments on time, but they dropped me after I won the suit.
in 03 an idiot rear ended me at on a off ramp, totaled my truck, he had Allstate, I sued, I won.....
in 06 Hubby was hit at a 4 way stop, idiots ran off (could have been the empty beer bottles in the back seat) they had allstate, we sued we won.

Allstate Hates Me!

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