Had to put down my 2 dogs

Thanks, I wish I knew of a specific name for the skin irritation.
None of my vets could treat it, and we are not sure how it started.
We still have one salt and pepper mini left. She is so lonely and it is hard to watch when she walks around the house looking for her friends. Weirdly enough she goes and barks at all of our other pets.
The rats, hamsters, goats, ducks. Even the fish! But even stranger is she ignores the goats and ducks when i take her out with me for my rounds.
I lost my Schnauzer, Murphy, to the same type skin disease. It's a terrible thing and only gets worse over time. So, sorry for your loss.
My Cocker was being treated by the skin specialists at Texas A&M University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Some of the best vets around. They still could not help her.
I understand.
Just yesterday me and my family had to put down our Blue Heeler, Jada. She was 15 1/2 years old, had tumors, deafness, everything.
It'll be ok though. But I still miss her.

Edited due to picture flaws.
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to all who have lost their beloved pets. I know how hard it is to make that decision but just remember you gave them a very happy and full life. They are in no pain now. They know how much you loved them. God Bless.
I really feel for you goat walker! We had 5 dogs till a month ago and finally put our 16 year old girl down. We miss her so bad but had 16 good years with her. Our Vet is such a gem! Her put her down in the back seat of my wifes car. Its one of the hardest things in the world to make that decision. I couldnt carry her up the stairs of the deck any more and we knew it was time. We miss her terribly and feel for you!
Thank you all! its only been two days but I feel like it was this morning, A appreciate all the hugs and compassion. They both went peacefully and at the same time. The miracle of it was.. when we were almost home, I looked up in the sky and there were these clouds... One looked just like my sophie.. the other looked like lacey laughing...
It was Like them telling me that they had made it. That they were safe. The clouda literally followed us home, then disappeared.



I hope you can see them. Id put them on paint and circle them but Im feeling Lazy. You Can see Sophie Clearly is some of the pics, but lacey gets a little foggy.
Goat Walker, I am sorry for your loss of two beautiful souls. I know how much it must hurt, but I too, see them in your cloud pics

I found this for you online. It sounds like you did all you could do for your poor schnauzer with skin issues:

"Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome"

Q: Dr. Mike: My dad has a schnauzer and she is having skin problems. We can feel small bumps all up and down her back. Is this something that will require on-going attention or is it something that can be cured? Is there a product or products you would recommend? Thanks. Robin

A: Robin- Your father's schnauzer may have "schnauzer comedone syndrome". This is a condition affecting schnauzers that produces comedones, or pus filled bumps that are usually mostly on the back of affected schnauzers. This is an inherited condition that will be present throughout the dog's life if it is the problem. There is no cure but good nursing care can make this much less of a problem. Applying benzoyl peroxide shampoos or gels can help a great deal. Usually twice weekly bathing or gel application is sufficient. Clipping the hair over the affected areas and keeping it short can help in some cases. Application of astringents such as witch hazel has been recommended by some vets and may be beneficial as well. Some schnauzers will respond to isotretinoin (Accutane Rx) but I think this is still a pretty expensive treatment, especially considering the need for long term use.

Your dad's vet can determine if this is indeed the problem and help design a treatment plan.

Michael Richards, DVM

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