Hadicap animal show contest! Please VOTE fellow BYCers! Need your help

No date set up yet, i want to give time for everyone to take pics.
I have a cross-eyed cat. Her name is Peeky because she always peeking out from under covers since she is a very nervous cat.
This pic isn't that good because I took it with my phone, I will try to get some better ones up.

Her right eye sometimes rolls halfway back into her head, causing her to stumble and occasionally run into things.
But she is my baby none the less, and even acted like my baby quail Uno was her kitten!
Caramel is a mixed breed large size bantam. January 2009 she got attacked by a hawk. That attack left her blind in one eye and slighty mentally damaged.

10 months after the attack:

2 days after attack: Picture 1

Took over 24 hours just to get her out of the shocky stage. We had managed to get the blood off her head. We had to force feed her to keep her alive. Her right eye was swelled shut and infected. The swelling had gone down some by this time. The biggest concern was that the hawk had tried to pierce her skull just behind her comb. He didn't make it through, but we think she did have a skull fracture. Her good eye stayed fully dialated for 2 weeks. Some where in there she had a bout of seizures for a few hours one morning. When I saw what was happening I held her thinking she was dying.

Once the brain swelling had gone down and her good eye started reacting normally to light, she was able to learn to eat on her own again. Took a few days to get the targeting right. The desire to catch those mealworms helped.

This was her 5 weeks after the attack: Picture 1 - Right eye was deflating and blind. Picture 2

That day she was out for almost half an hour before she was exhausted.

The attack left her a bit 'mentally damaged'. She gets tired quickly. Her time limit is about 30 minutes before she heads for the henhouse for a nap. She also will get drained if she gets overly excited or stressed. She is easily stressed, but I think that is mostly from having a blind side.

1 year after the attack: Picture 1
She was taking a nap in the henhouse after getting tired.

In the top picture you can see how much her eye sunk in as it deflated.

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This was my Tux, he broke his neck when a few weeks old and his head was on almost backwards. He was perfectly happy and had an adaptive feeder and waterer to help him. He was stolen recently.

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Actually that was 2nd day after attack. That was the first time she was able to rest peacefully. The first day she was in shock and, even after the shock, was too terrified to sit down. That day I had cleaned her several times and she managed to open her good eye to look around and see that it was me holding her. I had just managed to get some food and water in her when I set her on the couch to go wash her bowl and eye dropper. She was fast asleep when I came in the living room.

This is Regie my 14 week old Black Indian Runner. She hatched with a slipped tendon in her leg and has never been able to walk. She is very small and is has not yet grown her full set of first feathers. She has angelwing on the side of the bad leg and I am still trying to peel the sheath off the feathers that are growing as she cant preen herself properly on the left side of her body either.

She lives in a babies portacot in my bedroom- gets taken outside on the grass each day- goes for a swim and has a soft dogs bed for some time in the lounge room as well. I dont know how long she may live for- But I am doing what I can to ensure every day is comfortable for her. She cant walk but can hop around. She gets tired easily but loves to be cuddled- and being in my room- We have a little chat each night when I go to bed. She doesnt quack loudly- but chatters alot.



Regie having a swim...She loves to splash around inthe water and gets excited when she hears the bath getting filled. She knows it means its time for a splash

is this handicaped??

^^^ Maddi, Ameracauna hen with an abnormal beak. She had trouble eating as a chick... but can eat well now.

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