Hair color what do you think???

I was 14... Mine was pretty gray at 20 an even now in my 30s I still have to show ID for things unless I keep a long beard. Color has little to do with how old you look.

My grandmother who is 85 gets more compliments on her hair than anyone I have ever seen. Hers is about waist length an grayish gold. People stop her everywhere we go to talk about her hair.
I love it when older women w/ great hair let it stay long instead of the short curly "old lady doo"
I always said I'd let my hair grow out when it was pure white. Well, I'm not there yet, about 50 - 75% white now, but I decided to go with it and currently only have a little bit of color left on the tips. My natural hair is dark blonde and, with all the white, it looks good. I like it!! The texture is much better, too; softer, silkier, and less frizzy. Plus, with all the skin cancer I've had, I worry about getting cancer on my scalp. I know of a lady that happened to and she now has a 3 inch hole in her scalp that they're putting skin grafts on. NO THANKS! If it makes me look old, well such is life. I guess that's the price for not dying young. Growing old gracefully does not mean denying your age with make up, fashion trends, and hair color: that only makes you look foolish. I'd rather look happy, healthy, and comfortable in my own skin no matter what my age.
I have been checking out how to go natural. I color my hair, which is a dark brown with a lot of red in it. The only way to go natural (per three hair stylists) is to let my hair grow out, then when it is long enough, cut all the colored hair off. I love my silver now, not so much in my forties. Like others I do not like the chemicals we put on our heads ..... I tried to grow out my natural hair, it was about two inches, then I dyed it again! (and continue to do so). I wish there was a way to "un-dye" your hair without having to cut all the length off!

Good luck!!
Oh if I take the plunge I will add chemicals one more time and take all the fake color out leaving the natural. That is what I'm hoping for nuclear glow in the dark white.
"Stripping" your hair still won't give you your true color. It will merely wash out MOST of the color you have been adding. There will still be traces of the coloring left no matter what & it will throw off your natural color until it grows out. The only real way to get your true color back is as everyone has said, let it grow out & cut off the colored part when it gets long enuf.
I've been doing more research in it looks like the chemicals will only get me part way there like others have said, time and pony tails seem to be in my future if I do let it go natural.
In the meantime, color it as close to your natural color as you can get, highlighting if necessary. That's what I did, and the "line of demarkation" is not that noticable while it's growing out.
Well since this thread started I have been growing out my grey hair. I was unable to use any product to ease the transition, I could not find any over the counter type product and b/c of my chemical sensetive asthma I am unable to stay long enough at a beauty shop. The grey is almost as long as my bangs I was going to wait until my bangs were completely grey, but thought I'd post pics anyway so here it is so far

I told my husband I wanted a couple of pics to show my grey hair and this is what he did! lol


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