HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

awwwwww I sure hope she keeps it up so cute.    I think that antibiotic is good for her.  I would not know anything else to do. There is no specific treatment; antibiotic use is based on the prevalent bacterial type involved. Even then, treatment may not result in satisfactory outcomes, because severely affected chicks and poults often die, and unaffected birds are unlikely to be aided by antibiotic treatment. The disease is prevented by careful control of temperature, humidity, and sanitation in the incubator.

Of course I know traditionally that is how it is prevented but I'm miracles case I don't think there was any way to get around it. I knew that as soon as I discovered her yolk that was all over inside her egg was rotting and starting to smell. I think in her case it was just rotten luck and unavoidable.

This morning little Miracle was bouncing around her box waiting for me. Cheeping her little head off. She drank pretty well this morning and today her and brother will be moved into the littlest brooder where I'm hoping brother will encourage her to eat. I will be trying hard boiled egg, scrambled egg, possibly raw yolk(a mix I came up with that also includes a small amount of baby food for syringe feeding) moist chick feed and anything else I need to get her and her brother to really start eating. I think just being together will encourage them to try food more. In the small tote brooder they can be together but brother can't trample her quite so much I'm excited to see what Miracle will do in there. Lol as she was literally running from one end of her strawberry box to the other. Lol so cute! This morning after drinking Miracle ran up to my hand cheeping and as she couldn't climb into it she leaned against it as much as she could and snuggled making happy chick noises. She was pushing against it with all her might. Lol

LOL nothing ever bad for you love!! I so hope you enjoy the day!!! sounds fun!!!  hugs sweetie!!  your a great chicken momma!

Thanks Love! Well we got enough rain last night and even had the power flicker once but it came right back on thankfully. Hopefully meeting up with some chicken friends to pick up three chicks were getting from them. They're older broody chicks so won't be in with Miracle and her brother. So glad DH2B doesn't have to work today. Hopefully have some fun and then maybe process some birds later today. We'll see.

To get some nourishment in her, scramble up an egg and if you have a good blender, like a nutibullet, or ninja with single serve cups, throw the egg in there with some of her vitamin water. Use either an eye dropper or, if she willing to eat it off the spoon, then do it that way. I've had so much luck using this trick. Not long ago, I had a seriously injured young pullet. She got trapped in the turkey pen and wedged behind a tree with her head sticking through the chicken wire. While the turkeys couldn't get to her, the rest of the chicken flock could. They tore the feathers from her head and skin from the top of her head, all the way down her neck. They had even pulled the skin on the one side back, exposing her ear and the back side of her eye. I thought she was dead when I found her. I ended up stitching her up, 6 stitches down her head/neck. She was so weak for days and couldn't eat or drink. I used the egg/vitamin water trick and after a couple weeks, she's now back outside with the flock, a fiesty little thing. Her growth was stunted and she MUCH smaller than her sister but she's happy and healthy. I named her Mira, short for Miracle ;) I hope your little Miracle gets stronger every day!

Mira, as soon as she was stitched up



Mira now. Still working on growing in new skin and feathers but pretty much back to normal.



She's also become very bonded too. She snuck up here while i was taking pictures of ducks lol. Scared me half to death!


Oh goodness those pictures are just so heart wrenching! I'm so glad Mira made it she sounds like an amazing little bird. What breed is she?

This is awesome! Love that's when that happens. I still feel giddy coming in to see Houdini running around yelling at me to refill the food or water ;) I agree about the scrambled egg n water... if she gets how to do water but doesn't seem to be doing food, then liquified would be the way to go. I also had to do an injured in deaths door step chicken this way. She told me to do that because she was trying to drink the scrambled egg...so I had the "aha" moment and added the vitamin water and really minced it up, she went at it... (she was grabbed by a cat at 4 wks old and taken 2 yards over for 2 days!) She was eating normal in 24hrs...

It's crazy how bonded we become with our special little ones that need us. Such a relationship forms it's easy to see how grateful they are for our care and love.
Quote: That's when I would line the kids up and have them look at the blood ringed eggs. I had to do that with my kids to show them that the eggs were alive and that they could die if they were handled roughly, or if they bumped the bator they could kill the babies.
That's when I would line the kids up and have them look at the blood ringed eggs. I had to do that with my kids to show them that the eggs were alive and that they could die if they were handled roughly, or if they bumped the bator they could kill the babies.
They have been present for many candlings. They know what is going on in there. This is not the first time incubating.
Of course I know traditionally that is how it is prevented but I'm miracles case I don't think there was any way to get around it. I knew that as soon as I discovered her yolk that was all over inside her egg was rotting and starting to smell. I think in her case it was just rotten luck and unavoidable.

This morning little Miracle was bouncing around her box waiting for me. Cheeping her little head off. She drank pretty well this morning and today her and brother will be moved into the littlest brooder where I'm hoping brother will encourage her to eat. I will be trying hard boiled egg, scrambled egg, possibly raw yolk(a mix I came up with that also includes a small amount of baby food for syringe feeding) moist chick feed and anything else I need to get her and her brother to really start eating. I think just being together will encourage them to try food more. In the small tote brooder they can be together but brother can't trample her quite so much I'm excited to see what Miracle will do in there. Lol as she was literally running from one end of her strawberry box to the other. Lol so cute! This morning after drinking Miracle ran up to my hand cheeping and as she couldn't climb into it she leaned against it as much as she could and snuggled making happy chick noises. She was pushing against it with all her might. Lol
Thanks Love! Well we got enough rain last night and even had the power flicker once but it came right back on thankfully. Hopefully meeting up with some chicken friends to pick up three chicks were getting from them. They're older broody chicks so won't be in with Miracle and her brother. So glad DH2B doesn't have to work today. Hopefully have some fun and then maybe process some birds later today. We'll see.
Oh goodness those pictures are just so heart wrenching! I'm so glad Mira made it she sounds like an amazing little bird. What breed is she?
It's crazy how bonded we become with our special little ones that need us. Such a relationship forms it's easy to see how grateful they are for our care and love.

It was a heart wrenching experience. Mira is a welbar :)
Chick pic: They look a little crowded, but it's a choice to nap on top of each other.

BATCH#4 into the Hatcher - locked down to hatch 10/19/16

Set 11 eggs into the incubator for November 6th.
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I am having an issue with singleton hatches. This latest duck hatch was a bust. One duckling hatched, three internal pips never broke through the shell, the rest never pipped. :he

Well, at least I have this adorable little drake. He is in with some week old chicks, so he has company and isn't alone.



There is one more egg still to hatch, but it is the upside down aircell. It was under a broody hen that decided some day old hatchlings were better than sitting on eggs. So, I don't know exactly when this one is due to hatch.
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