Hamilton Ohio


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
This is the only ordinance that I have been able to find (so far). Looks like I am ok.


(a) No person shall dye or otherwise color any rabbit or baby poultry, including, but not limited to, chicks and ducklings. No person shall sell, offer for sale, expose for sale, raffle or give away any rabbit or poultry which has been dyed or otherwise colored. No poultry younger than four weeks of age may be sold, given away or otherwise distributed to any person in lots of less than six. Stores, shops, vendors and others offering young poultry for sale or other distribution shall provide and operate brooders or other heating devices that may be necessary to maintain poultry in good health, and shall keep adequate food and water available to the poultry at all times.

(ORC 925.62)

(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Found another but I am still ok. If there are others here from my area we can work to try to change this. If you need any assistance let me know.

(f) Keeping of Fowl. No person shall own, keep, brood, raise, or harbor any live fowl or poultry within the City except in a district which is zoned for agricultural use. This prohibition is not intended to prevent the ownership and enjoyment of pet fowl which are caged such as, but not limited to, canaries, parakeets, parrots and the like, provided such pet is confined within the residence of the owner, person in control or responsible for it. The provisions of this subsection are not intended to prevent the brooding of chicks and other fowl or poultry by a school for educational or scientific purposes provided the activity is conducted in a safe and sanitary manner in an enclosed structure on school property. The provisions of this subsection are not intended to permit the private keeping of such live fowl or poultry after the educational or scientific program is concluded. (Ord. 94-11-139. Passed 11-9-94.)
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Are you planning on keeping chickens within the city? It looks like that is specifically prohibited, unless you're a teacher and are hatching them for educational purposes. Even so, they would have to be removed from the school after hatching.
How many acres do you have and are you in a platted subdivision? If you are not in a platted subdivision and have over an acre you are good to go. If you have over 5 acres and are anywhere in the state, state law allows agriculture. The reference you need is in the Ohio Revised Code, do a search for "agriculture platted subdivision" and you should find it easily.
Not in a platted subdivision and right at 5 acres.
I just found this site in my quest to raise chickens to aid in raising a healthier family. I recently heard that hens are going to be permitted within city limits this year. I have not found anything proving that yet and I wanted to see if anyone here heard anything. I also heard that this group " Front Yard Garden Club" Has anyone heard of them? I have not found anything about them either. They are supposedly the ones who were advocating for the hens. Any information will be greatly appreciated!
I am trying to find out if anyone has heard anything on the supposed change to this ordinance. My Brother-in-Law said that he heard that hens will be aloud in city limits this year, then I heard it again on here. We are only looking to keep 3-4 hens for eggs in a completely closed in coop and run. within our fenced back yard. We are having a privacy fence installed once the snow melts and the weather clears up. If all this is rumor, I would love to help get this changed as this is a big factor on where we decide to buy our next home as we rent. Yes, our landlords are ok with chickens as long as it is legal.
As of March 2014, it still hasn't been brought up. Though I do know a group is working on passing it for 2015. If you private message me, I'd gladly pass your email on to the group as a potential supporter :) we need all the help we can get.
Hi, can any one help as to finding out if our land is on a platted subdivision, have just moved from the uk to hamilton, we have 5 acres but unsure how to find out if the land is platted. Missing my chooks from home so wanted to get some here. Many thanks

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