Hands on hatching and help

I was given 4 bronze turkey eggs.All were taken from my daughters hen,layed at unknown dates.This was her hens second batch. Her first batch all died from the Tom pecking them or being smashed,so she decided to let me hatch them.
I candled them and could see that they were all at different stages.:rolleyes: about 10 days along or more.Air sacks were very small as we live in central florida and humidity outside is 100% so I let them run dry at about 35% humidity for a week.then back to 45%
Well I was away for 5 days and I got home yesterday. One egg has externally pipped and one has internally,the other two need more time.Both chicks are alive and the one is pecking away at it's shell.My only worry at this point is both eggs were still in bator with 45% Humidity and also in egg turner when they pipped.They are now in my other bator at 72% humidity and on there side.
I have high hopes but Im still a noob. Any tips will be welcome.
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So my tiny duckling is five and a half weeks old and is unfortunately not doing too well. Today I let her swim in the bath for a while and then I put her on a towel on the bathroom floor to dry herself off. Well, something spooked her and she ran of the towel onto the slippery floor and her legs splayed out. One leg seems fine but she can't really use the other. She keeps laying down and when she does stand her leg sticks a little out to the side. I feel terrible. Do you think this is something that can be fixed (and if so, how would I fix it) or do you think she should be put to sleep?

Also, I noticed this morning that the tips of her wings don't fold under like they should. They kind of stick out to the side. Her left wing is worse than the right. I wasn't able to get a very good picture, but does it look like she has angel wing?


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